Knitting News

My stormy cardigan continues to make progress, I can go on and on and on about how I wonder if I have enough yarn but I won't do that to you.  Let's just say I'm still on the fence and it's going to be close.  It is what it is! 

I had to be at work super early (up at 4:30 a.m.) and I had close to three hours before the preschooler was up.  That is three hours of knitting time! 

This is my exclusive knit so that I can get to the sleeves.

What are you working on this week?


  1. ooohhh, I'll bet the body is done by now - and I'm sure you'll have plenty of yarn!

  2. I love that sweater! Good luck with the yarn.

  3. It's looking so pretty! I hope you win and not the yarn ...

  4. Oh Karen...up at 4:30 A.M.? Bless your heart. But I know you enjoyed the extra knitting time. :) That was the silver lining in that cloud. :) I just finished up shawl #5 and will begin #6 today. And I know all too well that, "will I have enough yarn?" syndrome. Happens to me with every project I do. :)

  5. Hoping you win the yarn chicken game. 4:30 is EARLY, but I'm sure the extra knitting time was enjoyable. Maybe a nap is in order!!

  6. Very pretty cardigan. You can't go wrong with that color. I'm hoping you have enough yarn also.

  7. Knit faster so you don't run out of yarn on that lovely sweater!

  8. I like the interesting part you are on now. !Love the color.

  9. I love the color of this sweater! I continue to work on a baby blanket for a friend's first grandchild. I'm super happy with how it is looking!

  10. I hope the yarn holds out. Such a gorgeous color.
    4:30 is early -- even for me.

  11. I'm rooting for you in your game of yarn chicken!

  12. That's such a lovely color! I always think I won't have enough yarn and I always have. Hope it works the same way for you.

  13. I'll cheer for enough yarn in your "will I have enough yarn-game?" The color of that sweater is so pretty - calming and soft. I hope you made it through the day after being up at 4:30 a.m. Whew! That is early.

  14. I love the colour, it's very pretty. I'm crocheting a virus shawl at the moment but like many crafters, I've a few other things on the go at once. One of those is a pair of knitted socks, which were working up too wide, so I've started again in a smaller size. Cathy x

  15. Wowza, 4:30 am?! I guess you have a commute to get to the toddler's house or her parents have one which is why you have to be there so early? You are a trooper and a blessing for that family. I gripe about having to do Safety Patrol for 15 minutes every fourth week, LOL.


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