
My Weekend:

-finishing that first sock!
-watching Holly watching me

-spying deer spying on me

-attending my husband's co-worker's daughter's wedding 
-enjoying watching young love, good food and friendships

-not quite mastering the 'selfie' but having fun

-watching Frodo catch (!) a tiny garter snake
-the garter snake escaped

-Our first photo booth 
-three out of four photos are great
-last photo is meh

-I attended Mass, came home then did the laundry 
-we are both quite tired

How was your weekend?


  1. My weekend was boring compared to yours. Went to Mass yesterday and then dinner out with the hubby. Today was blogging day and working on a shawl and socks. Very quiet here in Arizona.

  2. CUTE! Love your photo booth pics w/your husband.

  3. Quiet but beautiful with Spring weather. I had nice walks on Sat and Sun. Today we went to church and picked up coffee. I washed a couple of wool shawls, ran a load of spring capri's and T's through the laundry and knit on my shawl. Spring has sprung.

  4. P. S. I love the photo booth photos. Weddings are such fun.

  5. It’s been a productive weekend. Ive been on a spring cleaning rampage! Unfortunately my knitting has been put on the back burner. I know my energy for cleaning won’t last too long, normal knit time will resume. The photo booth picture is so sweet.

  6. I was quite tired this weekend, so I spent a good bit of time resting with yarn and other fiber projects. But I did get out to see two movies at the Wisconsin Film Festival, which was great fun.

  7. LOVE those photo booth strips!

  8. Knitting, checking out the pool, and a spring wedding looks so much better than my weekend of taxes and catching up on laundry!

  9. The photo booth snaps are AWESOME! Have a lovely week!

  10. Fun photo booth pics!! Not so fun that Frodo caught a snake. Yikes!! Even garter snakes bother me, so.....

    Your sock looks great. Spring is definitely here now.

  11. Love those photo booth pics..
    The weather was so beautiful this weekend.
    Frodo caught a snake! Yikes.


  12. Sounds like you had an exciting weekend! Love the photos - you and your husband are so cute together!

  13. What fun post for us to see! Adorable. Weddings do make me tired because I dance too much!

  14. I paid a visit to my Aunt in Atlanta. It was nice to sit, catch up on family business and reminisce with her.

  15. I paid a visit to my Aunt in Atlanta. It was nice to sit, catch up on family business and reminisce with her.

  16. What a fun weekend! I love your yellow dress, Karen! ♥♥♥ (Yellow is my favorite color.) And, I have the same black shoes! They are very comfortable and cute, too. I love that pic of Holly--what a beautiful cat. Are those daffodils I see in the garden bed next to the fence? The weather was glorious over the weekend--it won't be long now before everything bursts into bloom. I can't wait. xo

  17. It sounds as if you weekend was a lot of fun! I love weddings! Our weekend was fun as well, we had old friends over for dinner and had a good time catching up!


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