
How was your weekend?  I spent all day yesterday getting ready for Easter.  I am seeing lots of family and, well, I wanted to create Easter bags for everyone.  My weekdays are so busy I really needed to work on the gift bags on the weekend.

I worked more on my never ending sweater and while the realist in me believes I will get by with the yarn I have, the crazy little voice in my head keeps whispering panic thoughts.  I know I will have just enough yarn....really!

Yesterday we walked the dirt road with Frodo and enjoyed plenty of sunshine and blue skies.

Today it's raining (the drippy drizzly kind of rain).  I have the back door opened and love listening to the rain, such a springlike sound to hear. 

This weekend also contained: 

-curry dinner - apple crumble -  big salads - episodes of Endeavor - tea sipping and book reading in tandem - cat dog chases that Holly the cat always wins - watercolor painting -

The weekend was great!  How was your weekend?


  1. A nice weekend. Coffee, knitting, hand washing of winter woolens, Friday evening with book group friends. Face Time and a nice Sunday afternoon walk on a cool Spring afternoon. Really I love a sunny day that requires a light jacket.

  2. Sounds like a very nice weekend! I love to fall asleep listening to rain. So soothing. You can food sounds delicious I love your watercolor.

  3. Your watercolor of the barn is beautiful! I hope you share more of your art. Yesterday I was productive with household chores. Today was all about knitting a sock. All is going well, I’m not to the heel. It’s a toe up pattern.

  4. Your drawing/watercolor is so fun! It'd be perfect in a children's picture book. Love your little jars also.

  5. I love the scenes around your house and your weekend words! My weekend involved lots of yard work and reveling in the fact that it's spring.

  6. You watercolor barn! Lovely, Karen! The rain just smelled so good!

  7. Your watercolor painting is beautiful. My weekend was quiet and productive! enjoy your up coming week.

  8. Your watercolor is beautiful! My weekend was busy, I was cantor at 5pm Mass and had to be back to sing in choir for 8:30am Mass, followed by a long Holy Week rehearsal. The best part of the weekend was going to a community theater production of Steel Magnolias with a group of friends yesterday afternoon. Hope your week is a good one!

  9. I'm a little jealous. I'm SO unprepared for Easter this year. My weekend was spent at work but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. It was a wet, stormy weekend and I was tucked safely away inside so I stayed dry. I really can't complain. And today, my day off, it's gorgeous blue skies (and crazy wind, but we won't think about that.)

  10. We had a nice slow weekend.. it's rainy today but we didn't get much over the weekend.. which was good so the boys go to play outside.
    That's a lovely watercolor.

  11. I've been fighting a cold since Saturday, so this weekend wasn't the best ever!

  12. Love your watercolor, Friend! xx

  13. It sounds like you had a wonderful, somewhat relaxing weekend. Your watercolor is pretty. Good luck with the sweater.

  14. Oh I LOVE your watercolor barn! WOW>
    We are having a low key Easter. Glad someone got a good dry walk in this weekend! We had snow as you know !it is nearly melted after just another day! Wow. So glad it is nearly gone

  15. Glad you had a good one ! How sweet of you to give Easter gifts. As usual I had Easter outfits sent to my three grands. This year I was able to find matching colors for them. My daughter-in-law was quite pleased. It's always fun shopping for them.


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