Striking a Balance

On Monday we drove down to Newark Delaware to visit our daughter and spend the day with her.  We had lovely weather and a great time.  Instead of eating at a chain restaurant for lunch before meeting her we stopped at a small family diner to switch it up.

The food was great, the service was fast and we were happy to eat somewhere new to us.

I worked on the blanket for five hours knitting my little heart out.  I loved being in my element, just me and my knitting and a handy driver (husband).  He loves to drive, I love to ride --  a match made in heaven.

My schedule has been full and I'm feeling the pressure with trying to keep up with everything.  There are tasks that have to be done and then there are tasks I want to do.  Striking a balance is the challenge.  How do I do it all?  Well as you know, I can't do it all.

I'm  terrible at delegating duties.  I know I can do it faster and better and there lies the problem.  I need to delegate and let go.

I know that I'm my best self with some down time.  I usually get a few hours each morning by myself with my journal (and daily praying).  In the evening I will knit for a few hours.  These practices anchor my whole day.  It's the busy middle part where I need to carve out some down time.

getting close to the edging

The weather this week has been picture perfect.  The hot weather earlier in the week felt like a hug from mother nature.  I'm sure I'll be complaining about it at the end of July but for now its brief existence was welcomed.

So how do you strike a balance during a busy week?


  1. Morning quiet time is most definitely important to a day that I feel balanced. I really need being alone with my thoughts - it allows me to be my best self when I am not alone.

    (your artwork is so beautiful!)

  2. I'm finding that balance is rarely maintaining the perfect point in the middle of the see-saw, but rather making sure that I've got down time, fun things, and quiet times to even out things when they are especially busy, full, and stressed. Your watercolor (and of course, knitting) looks like a lovely way to maintain balance.

  3. I can't keep up...and I need to do something about it...but what...

  4. I too need "me time" at the beginning and end of the day. Without that I feel unsteady.

    Your watercolor is so pretty and, of course, your knitting is beautiful.

  5. It's not easy to always maintain a balance that gives rest and also productivity. I understand how hard it is to delegate tasks but it is needed at times! Have a great week!

  6. I sit down on Sunday afternoon with my paper calendar - a week at a time - and look at what is going on the next week. I fill in definite commitments first like medical appointments, hair-cut, and meet-up with friends as in book club, or a planned coffee date. Then I plug in a few household chores. I also schedule larger creative projects like sewing or putting together a photo book. This is not a bullet journal as I don't list every routine (knitting) or event but I like being prepared. Solitude is essential for me so I try to spread out activities with others. I am not rigid about checking everything off the list or sticking to my plan. Being retired has restored a great deal of balance in my life.

  7. Quiet time is essential for me and our well being at the start and the end of each day. We often laugh and say since taking early retirement how we ever had time for work.

  8. Finding balance is hard! I try to remind myself to schedule and plan what I'm able to do, not what I'd like to do and to find solutions (postpone, delegate) for the rest. But I often forget ...

  9. I love that you mention praying. I don't mention praying or Jesus in my own blog as I was writing about hobbies, interests, craft & my life. The trouble is He is my life! He is awesome, He not only brings peace but He is peace itself. For me it's a bit like having a best friend but never talking about them.
    A few ideas:-
    *I used to always read 30-40 mins before the school run (many yrs ago mon - fri 2:15 pm) to relax.
    *One cleaning room per day such as lounge (ref the organised mum website).
    *A job list with only 3-5 jobs on it.
    *Learn to say no.
    *My MIL often said - 'come on, let's go and have a sit'. It was that simple, grab a cuppa and just sit down.
    *Have a nice bag/basket next to your favourite chair filled with a book, craft, handcream etc and relax for 15 - 30 mins at a time.
    *When tackling jobs or studying work at job list 30 mins, sit for 15 mins over an afternoon.
    It's all to easy to rush round all day 'doing' thing rather than 'being' you.
    All the best.
    Cathy x

  10. Knitting helps me, too. Have a wonderful holiday weekend!

  11. What a good question! Well naps are sort of essential on a stressful day. Also just petting my cats will do it. Knitting is always a joy. Being on my porch, for the summer, is the quietest loveliest place I know and I can be out there daily now!

  12. I am finding it very hard to strike a balance. I work so much that on the weekend I have no choice but to get a lot done around the house. I really try to spend a lot of time with my Little B on the weekend as my time with him during the week is limited. I try to meditate before I get out of bed each morning and try, try, try to get some yarn time but that can be limited Monday through Thursday. Still we survive don't we? It isn't easy and I know I can get very stressed but I try in my own way to relax when I can. Good luck!

  13. There is always so much to do and I’ve yet to find a balance. My method has been bursts of energy and I try to do everything at once or lulls to the point I avoid all the things. The results are I end up tired and nothing is complete. I try to tell myself it doesn’t need to be perfect but I’d really like it to be perfect!

  14. I try to do what I want after I get my workout and chores done. My husband always drives as well but it's because he's more of an aggressive driver, LOL. When I had to drive him home after his foot surgery he gave me a bad time and ticked me off which ended up me cussin him out.


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