
Home again, home again, jiggedy jig. Ah, can I tell you how much I love being home? Most people go away on vacation to unwind and relax. Vacations remind me how much I love being home. I love my bed, my coffee maker and that beautiful perfect loveseat. Such sweet bliss! Holly was happy we came home. Stephanie asked me how we take care of the pets while we are away. Holly stays home by herself and I have a friend come to check the cat every other day (Holly hates people) and of course the house and the pool. Frodo goes to the kennel where he gets lots of love from the humans. When we come home, they are both needy in their own ways. Then after 24 hours, you don't see either pet because they are sleeping to recover from their vacations. I'm a new cat owner but I do make sure she cannot shut herself into a room by accident (towel between the door and the door jamb). I heard a story of a cat being shut in a room for many...