Family Togetherness

We've been together for a week at Cape May NJ for a long awaited family vacation.  This vacation was in the planning stages since Christmas.  I wanted to go back to Cape May where we used to take our little children on a yearly vacation.  We have fond memories of foods, events, childhood accidents and wonderful beach moments.

This past week was perfect weather for all the beach sun lovers.  I can't be in the sun in massive quantities because of my medications and my autoimmune disorder, but that doesn't stop me from loving the beach.  I walked the beach daily. 

We rented a house this year to accommodate our adult children, everyone had extra wiggle room in this house.  The front porch was my favorite spot to read or knit or chitchat with whoever was with me.  Of course a vacation can't be a vacation without a problem.  This time I pulled a hamstring muscle (beach walking???) and that really hurt for more than three days.

I'm happy to report I feel mostly better.  Getting old is for the birds!

I loved being together as a family. 

I'm also ready to get back into eating regular food and I missed my dear sweet Frodo and Holly immensely.  If you know me well, you know that I am a homebody through and through.  I thrive on sameness and familiarity.

Whenever I travel I have a full appreciation for my coffeemaker and my bed.


  1. What beautiful pictures, Karen! (And, I am with you on the bed!! But, I cheat and bring my little coffee pot with me - good coffee = a better start to the day!)

    I love walking along the beach! (but I am sorry you hurt yourself!!)

  2. That is truly a gift to vacation with your adult children! We've only managed it once (with mixed results). I'm soryry you were injured, but happy you had good weather and that great porch to enjoy!

  3. What fun to have your family all together for a week at Cape May! I'm so glad that was made possible, Karen. I'm sorry to hear about the pulled hamstring muscle but I'm glad that you are doing some better now. Rest up (says one homebody to another homebody. ) xx

  4. Vacations are so nice...and often (for me) getting back home to "normal" is the best part. Looks like you had a lovely week in spite of the pulled hamstring. Vacationing with family is the BEST!

  5. Looks like a lovely vacation! Glad the hamstring feels better. And yes, I love getting back to normal too (but right I'm not even sure what 'normal' is anymore). Happy to hear you had a good time!

  6. Your trip sounds wonderful minus that hamstring injury. Hope you are healing.

  7. Your holiday break sounds lovely spent together as a family. Sorry to hear you'd injured yourself, hope you're much better now, take care. Cx

  8. Your family time is so precious. Im sorry that you were injured! But you were smart to stay out of the sun! I have to do so also! I love the photos and I am a homebody too. Zion was amazing, but I was still happy to get home after 5 days

  9. Sorry to read about your injury, hope you are now on the mend. What a beautiful place to go for a family get together, it looks amazing. We are the same we don't sit in the sun too long due to Gerard's medication...I laughed then as there hasn't been a lot of sun around.

  10. I enjoy Cape May, and any time a front porch is involved, I'm there! Like you, I always really miss my pets when we go away. I wish it was easy to bring them along. I'm glad you had such a good time and had a chance to all be together. That's always worth it.

  11. I'm with you Karen, I love being with family and making new memories, but somehow I too long for my familiar life and things.

  12. What a beautiful place. Do you leave Holly and Frodo at home and have a neighbor come check up on them daily or do they stay somewhere else?

  13. Gorgeous photos! I could happily spend the rest of my life on that porch! Hope your leg is feeling better. Walking in sand uses a whole different set of muscles.

  14. Such wonderful photos! Isn't it wonderful, getting away with our adult children? We didn't do it this year but last year we rented a cottage in Maine and had such a good time!

  15. Such nice family photos. The porch looks delightful. I hope that muscle has healed. Darn it anyway. I am not a water baby but I do love walking along a beach.


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