My Very Best

This past week I've been grateful for the sunny days when the rainy days overwhelm me.  I find myself walking into the gym wondering why I'm a little grumpy.  Oh, there's no sun, that is why.  I'm usually not affected by sunless skies or at least I wasn't aware of my reaction.  This year because of record rainfall, I'm noticing. 

This endless rain does water all the new bushes and plants my husband has planted.  He is finished cutting down the bushes around the house and now I'm in the habit of stopping at Lowe's to check their clearance section (half off the lowest price runs intermittently...).  Nearly all of our plantings are from the clearance section.  Overwatered outside plants can be loved back to life, as long as they are not indoor plants that I'm taking care of - indoor plants meet their doom from my diligent watering love.

I've visited the gym four times this week stretching the strength of my body.  I'm exhausted but in a good kind of way.  My routine bloodwork (every 3 months) was slightly wonky this week either due to the meds I'm on or just my autoimmune disease.  I meet my new RA doctor at the end of July.  So far I love her diligence and her prompt communicating through the electronic medical chart.

I'm feeling good overall so I'm not too worried.

My afternoons are filled with a watercolor painting session and then onto knitting.  I love the afternoons, I feel grateful and content while puttering about my creative pursuits.  I've scaled down social media and increased my attentiveness to personal tasks.  I return again and again to blogging and love our community.  The bonds I've forged through meeting all of you through your blogs fills my bucket.  If you comment and your blog is attached to your profile name I will do my very best to visit you. 

I do my very best to be patient with myself and what I choose to focus on.  So far, I'm swimming in gratitude and focusing on the positive.  You and I both know that when life is 'easy' the gratitude is easy.  It's when there is a curve ball thrown into the day that challenges my attitude.

Having my afternoons relaxing and calm has helped me immensely.  The older I get the more down time I need.  I wonder why? 

In knitting news, I've reached the next section of the cowl and I'm contemplating casting on a lace shawl for some serious complicated knitting.  I'll let you know what I settle on when I know.


  1. We lived in Florida for a couple of years and there was so much endless sunshine that I used to long for gray and rainy days. I know it's a bit strange, but I do have an appreciation for a good thunderstorm and occasional rainy days. The key word is occasional; this year is providing a few too many. But on the positive side, your outdoor plants are benefiting. I love those rain-dappled daylilies!

    1. When we lived in Texas it was endless sunshine and dryness - I agree too much of anything is a bit much.

  2. I always learn something from you when I read here, dear Karen. I appreciate so much your openess about how you are even do that in a positive way. I hope you will do well with your new RA doctor when you meet her in July. My bloodwork was a bit wonky this time too but we are working on seeing that changed for the next appointment in three months. I love the colors in the cowl you are working on. Gentle hugs, sweet friend.

    1. praying your wonky bloodwork unwonks itself!

  3. What a nice rhythm you have to your days. I think I need to work more on the skill of being patient. Reading this post has me thinking my lack of patience may be contributing to my feelings of always being overwhelmed. I don’t think I appreciate the time some tasks take to complete. I just want them done NOW!

    1. I'm not patient at all when I leave the house....and interact with the general public. I chant to myself to calm down.

  4. Your summer seems to be falling (or flowing) into a calm pattern. Your daylilies are gorgeous, as are your painting and knitting. Glad you are feeling well and hoping your visit with your new doctor goes well too. I take Vitamin D (the "happy" vitamin) daily - Fletch just takes it on cloudy days.

  5. Karen, I love that you are continuing to watercolor in the afternoons! It’s a lovely medium, very meditative. I understand your feelings about rainy days as I am also often affected by them. I hope this lovely pattern to your days continues throughout the summer! xo

    1. me too! I am enjoying watercoloring immensely!

  6. Your watercolors are so inspiring, Karen! (And, I am with Bonny - if it was endless sunshine, we would appreciate it less.)

  7. I hope the blloodwork will be better next time. You're lucky to have a good doctor.
    I have so many bad experiences with doctors that I'm experimenting myself with the food allergies and such, but sometimes I'd love someone who helps me decide what to do.
    Your afternoons sound wonderful. I'm a bit envious, but I keep telling myself that we will have more downtime soon. And in fact, we're taking it quite easy today, so I'm enjoying that.
    I hear you on the blogging and the community that grows from there. I love it so much better than social media!

    1. Blogging is where it's at. I'm lucky to find these doctors and keep them. We have a lot of good doctors leave for better jobs and that is frustrating in a small town.

  8. My mom always had a Blessed Mother Statue in our yard. I have several in my home. There is this amazing, painting of the Madonna in our town art shop for sale. If I had an extra 220 dollars I'd snatch it up so quickly!

    1. My gram had a Mary Statue in her yard and when I look at mine I think of her!

  9. I am getting ready to retire and worry about how to fill my days. Your inspiring words were just what I needed to hear right now. I can look forward to reading, sewing, coloring,...whatever I want to do and I don't have to be crazy busy every minute. Down time is important, too! Thanks for the great advice!

    1. The more activities you enjoy the easier retirement will be, if you ask me. Going to the gym is a part time job for me!

  10. Frodo looks so serious bless him. I hope you gain answers soon about your health, I need to see a specialist Doctor soon regards a mole. I'm really disappointed as I only saw her a few weeks ago and hadn't realised it was an issue. Thankfully I'd mentioned it to a hairdresser and she took a photo for me to see. Having had 2 opps for one before, I really don't relish another.
    It's been crazy wet in the UK too, I'm hoping it will brighten soon, take care. Cathy x

  11. You seem to have found the perfect rhythm for you, which is not easy. I really struggle to balance social pursuits with more solitary artistic ones. I love activities like Urban Sketching that blend both of those together. Even with summer break, I still feel pulled between those two poles.

    1. I wish we had an urban sketcher group here. (we don't ...) However, I'm convincing my husband to be my wingman.

  12. Those flowers are lovely ! I can relate to too much gloominess affecting my mood, but flowers like that usually make the rain worth it / brighten up my mood. A good idea to take it easy with being online, I often intend to, but it leads to too little action in my case, ahum...

    1. I like being on the internet but too much isn't good for me. I'm striving to strike a balance each day.

  13. Oh Karen, this post feels like you have looked straight into my heart and typed out the thoughts onto your page. I'm also scaling back on social media, my blog I return to over and over, I don't think I can let it go, I'm too attached. After all, it holds years of thoughts and memories. Now that I am working full time I am realising how much time I spent mindlessly scrolling through social media and it feels wonderful to rather be focusing on what is important to me. Lovely post!

    1. I'm glad you still blog, you have a delightful space!

  14. I am a firm believer in down time as part of my routine. Lately, I am incorporating an hour - 4 - 5 p.m. - of knitting or reading in order to bring love and a light heart to dinner prep. I swear meals turn out better if I approach the prep with love and gratitude for food. I love the cowl.

  15. Seeing Frodo in your post made my heart swell! Girlfriend, you want every day sun? Come to the Bay Area of CA. It's 80° today and this past week high 80's.


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