Do Nothing Day

Finally the cooler temperatures have arrived and I'm in my glory.  Yesterday I switched the summer comforter to the winter comforter feeling completely confident that the heat of the summer is over and done with.  I hope so!  I loved the rainy drizzly day and the excuse to stay home.

I had a pressing week where I felt stressed with all of the tasks that were before me.  Yesterday I had a 'do nothing' day.

But you see my do nothing day is doing what I choose to do!  I stayed home and strategically plotted out what I wanted to focus on.  Of course I did some pesky chores like laundry and cooking dinner. I also made space for some walking around the yard and taking photos.  Enjoying the drizzle and wearing a jacket.

I made space for lots of reading and knitting.  When I needed to stretch which is important to do every hour if you want to be able to knit more, I focused on drawing, sketching and journaling. 

Frodo and I walked about the yard once more.

Throughout my do nothing day was silence.  No TV, no music, no podcasts - just me and my thoughts.  I'm energized by quiet days and creativity flows freely.

I know I am lucky to have this kind of day and I treasure them.  Last year with the babysitting being twice a week, I didn't have any days where I could stay home all day long.  Now that I'm one day a week babysitting, I have this luxury. 

In other news, I finished knitting my gradient shawl and it's soaking as I write this post. 

I am participating in Michelle GD's online class - Get It Down

You have plenty of time to sign up for her free gratitude week daily prompt email

I'm also participating in Inktober 2019

I have yet to share any of my artwork since I'm doing a ton of experimenting with ink and watercolor  my critical voice is loud and so I keep it private.

If you had a do nothing day, what would you do?


  1. I knew your do nothing day would not actually mean that you did nothing! Mine would be much the same as yours - reading, knitting, cooking something new and interesting, and silence. That would be so nice and I hope I have the luxury of doing that someday.

  2. What a truly lovely way to spend a day. The peace and calm are what I needed when reading this post, my day has been full one. I love the silence of a quiet house, it doesn't happen often here but I do find that soothing and calming. My do nothing day would look a lot like yours, pottering, in silence and doing all the things that I love, sewing, knitting or reading most likely.

  3. My do nothing days look a bit like yours without the drawing part. I sew instead. I feel fortunate to be retired and be able to have some free "do nothing" time. I wonder how I ever kept up with life when I taught full time. No wonder I was tired.

  4. I would sew and go for a long by walk and maybe read or knit. Right now I would settle for a do nothing afternoon. The idea of silence resonates with me too.

  5. Gratitude in November is a great idea. I;ll think about it

  6. I rarely have a do nothing day but it sounds wonderful especially with cool breezes and leaves changing. Enjoy all the fun things you are joining in with.

  7. I'd like to try sketching and watercolor. I thought about you.

  8. Sounds you had a wonderful day. So happy for you that you will be able to more of these!
    If I had a do nothing day, I'd probably do nothing at all. Go to the beach, force myself not to take my reading or knitting, stay away from my phone and just sit and rest and maybe even sleep a little. Can you tell I'm tired? ;-)

  9. The more hectic one's life, the more one needs such days!

    Even later in life, when duties are much less, we still need them. I can attest to this. -smile-


  10. My do nothing does are not nearly as creative as yours. I would get some of the chores done that need to be accomplished, but rarely make the effort to journal or draw. Hopefully, I'll be able to go for walks soon and that will help clear my head. I love reading of your quiet days, your thoughts when days are more harried, and how you find time to do what is good for you.


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