Jewel Box Shawl

If you are looking for an easy memorizable knit for a gradient yarn, I highly recommend the junction shawl pattern.  I thoroughly enjoyed knitting this shawl.  The simple design lets a gradient yarn shine through!

I might be making another one with another skein of gradient.  I also think this is a great gift to knit quickly and a great project for on the go knitting.. 

My modifications were simple, I opted to not knit the lace edging so I could use up as much of the yarn as possible.  I had 24 inches left, so that fun goal was achieved.

Ravelry notes


  1. That was a quick knit! I love how it turned out - that gradient yarn really is lovely. The color changes are not harsh and just seem to flow from one to another!

  2. Sooooo pretty!

    And I love the way you wear it. It is a soft knitted material. So it probably drapes easily. But I still don't understand, the *how,* of how you drape it so nicely.


  3. It is so beautiful Karen, you are so right about flow. It is the perfect pattern for you gradient yarn.

  4. I will have to look this pattern up as I know I have a gradient skein of yarn in my sock yarn stash.

  5. Nice! I need a pattern like that.

  6. It is gorgeous! I love it and as you say it really shows off the yarn. Well done.

  7. Your shawl is so pretty. I love it. You are so right, the simplicity of the pattern makes the most out of that beautiful gradient.


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