Slow Down

I finished the first hat out of four hats for my adult kids.  Three more to go (assuming my math is correct ha ha).  I made a mistake when telling you about this hat, the pattern is the March hat and it is a free pattern as well.  I have no idea why I thought I was knitting the October hat...

Of course I cast on the second hat immediately.

This week my mind is in a 'hurry hurry hurry' mode, so I'm counteracting my frenzied thinking with 'slow down, slow down, slow down' mode.  It isn't easy for me,  but I've been successful in my slowing down.

I celebrated my birthday (yay!) and I was graced with phone calls from family and friends not to mention many birthday cards in the mail.  I am truly blessed! 

Every day this week, my priority was to enjoy whatever I was doing while doing the task.  I fail on Babysitting Tuesday for some reason working one day a week tires me right out and makes my intentions waver. 

My daily goal is to get all of the errands and tasks completed including the gym so I can then relax and knit before I made dinner, if I am making dinner.  Because next week is Thanksgiving, I have an unusual amount of tasks that need to be done in a timely manner so I'm not swamped on Thursday and overly stressed.  I've mentioned before I am horrible under pressure, even the self imposed kind.

For my birthday my husband bought me a fountain pen and I chose some bulletproof ink to replace their standard blue that comes with the pen.  Oh how cautious was I filling my pen....waiting for a spilling disaster with ink everywhere.  However, I filled the pen without a splatter, I felt so grown up.

To be honest, I want another fountain pen.  I have entered the slippery slope of fountain pen envy.  My journal writing and list writing is with a fountain pen but I haven't sketched with the fountain pen because I'm usually sitting on the loveseat during my art time.  The thought of bulletproof ink on sofa fabric....EEK!  I don't trust me or the pen yet.

In boring news, I want a new dishwasher since ours is pushing over 18 years old and since I am getting a new one why not get a new refrigerator?  The frig is 14 years old.  Anyways, I (we?) are trying to eat the food in the freezer so I can then go shopping and get it switched out by Christmas.

I found my dad's turkey broth from last Thanksgiving in the back of the freezer and made turkey soup.  Yesterday my house smelled delicious! 

I don't know if you remember but when I lost electricity for three days (happened twice) I threw away $300 worth of food.  I swore to not squirrel away food like that, and yet here we are. 

I hope you have a great weekend and find the time to slow down like I've been doing. 

Thank you all for reading and visiting this space!


  1. Happy (Belated) Birthday and Happy Hat Knitting! I'm also knitting hats for Christmas, and sometimes I have to make myself stop knitting and do the work and chores that are necessary. I wish I had some turkey broth in my freezer!

  2. Happy Birthday! I find it hard to slow down sometimes too...I am starting to feel frantic with Thanksgiving on the near horizon...Mailing's birthday at the end of the month, Colin's birthday in December and then Christmas. Yikes!!! I need to chill - lol.

  3. Happy birthday!

    Slowing down can be such a hard thing. Sometimes it feels as if you can not be happy until everything is done, but then if you take a break a think you realize that it is time to slow down and spend some time doing something enjoyable. I struggle with slowing down so much.

  4. Happy birthday!
    That's a lovely hat, I may try to follow that pattern (I'm still into winging it - so much easier). Slowing down is hard. I'm working on it too.

  5. Happy Birthday!!!!!

    Happy Slowing-Down!!!!

    We all need this admonition. The world we live in, is always telling us, to do, do, do. More and more and more. Multitask if necessary. Which is so silly, the human mind can not _concentrate_ on more than 1 thing, at a time. So multitasking is simply switching quickly, from one thing to another. Hahhh...

    The hat is _lovely_!!!!

    Baby Sitting is not for sissies. -smile- I know, I did it for our oldest Grand daughter, from the time she was 1 1/2 years old and they moved back to town. Many years, many days, many vacations. (She is now 27 and an electrical engineer. )

    Please don't let Thanksgiving overwhelm you. Please. You are in charge of you. And what doesn't 'get done,' will not stop the world from spinning. -smile-

    Must look up that book title! Love to do that!

    Gentle slowing down hugs...

  6. I mean this in the kindest way need to take a deep breath .... and breathe! a bit of journaling with the new pen would be good. as would knitting a set rhythm for a hat. anything more seems like it might be too much! xo.

  7. Sending my wishes along, also. Happy Birthday! And here’s to many more! I’m impressed with all you have on the agenda as well as the age of your dishwasher and frig! They don’t make them to last that long any more!

  8. It sounds like you have had a great week. Little ones can test your patience, I should know. Usually I am good at work but exhausted by the time I get home. Still they are funny and usually make me laugh. Your new pen sounds wonderful. I hope you can find the perfect fridge and dish washer.

  9. I love your little penguins. Your fountain pens sound like such fun. I remember pens with ink cartridges in them but I don't think I've ever had a real true fountain pen. The hats are a good idea for gift knitting - warm and practical - but special because they are hand knit. Hat knitting is just right during the holiday seasons.

  10. A belated Happy Birthday. I haven't used a fountain pen for years, I hope you continue to enjoy using yours.

    Oh the busyness of the season, it can be so hard to strike a balance can't it, we put ourselves under pressure and then get upset when things are right. I hope in all the busyness and the celebration you can find the time to breath in and rest.

  11. Hello - I am back in blog land! It's good to see you are still knitting! Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

  12. Happy Belated Birthday!! I love the idea of writing with a fountain pen but they frustrate me to no end with the ink skips and the scratchy noise the tip makes on the paper. Perhaps if I wasn't so cheap and spent more than $3 on one.... Love the March hat and have added it to my Rav queue. Thank you for the reminder to slow down. It was much needed advice. Happy Thanksgiving!

  13. Sorry I missed your birthday here. I'm glad you got some goodies. I have a friend who has all kinds of pens. She does that brush lettering really well.


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