
I fell into two delightful rabbit holes this weekend.  Both of them were not the internet kind of rabbit hole so I felt the time was well spent.

Saturday morning I decided to put away all of my wool that was previously displayed before Holly marched into our lives.  Sadly she 'plays' with wool and throws it about all willy nilly.  So each beautiful basket had a towel over the yarn and tucked around.

I sorted and stored all those yarns in zip bags that comforters come in.  Then shoved that into my walk in closet.

Sunday I decided to pull out all of the walk in closet yarn and re-organize it AGAIN.  I fondly remembered my mom as I came across some 'vintage' wool that was hers.   My epiphany was I need to shop my closet before buying yarn.  Seriously! 

I also balled up two different fingering weight wools for future projects.  The purple wool will be a sweater for me.  I haven't decided quite yet what that delicious apple green wool will be (for me) yet.

I've decided to make hats for the adult kids who will be here for Christmas.  I have so much to get done before the holidays. 

Frodo watching football!
 The preschooler's sweater is off the needles!  I am digging through buttons so I can then soak and block. 

How was your weekend?


  1. I'm glad you enjoyed shopping in your own closet! My weekend was a blur of catching up on all sorts of household chores in NJ since I've been gone. Today I'm heading to MD to catch up on things there.

  2. Wow what a large yarn stash. I only have a small amount of scrap yarns from projects that are finished and yarns for my next (big) project. My cat used to do the same as Holly, but I had to leave her when I moved to the Netherlands. Cats do seem to enjoy playing with soft things such as yarn, wool, and fabric.

  3. The green is gorgeous..
    Looking forward to see what you make.

  4. You would make a yarn in fingering weight? You amaze me! I am reorganizing my stash today too. I'm not using the original thing I bought to keep it in. Im not sure what I'lll do with that thing. It was a cd closet and I don't think the new kids use that

  5. You had a productive weekend!!!!

    We did not, but need those tooo. -smile-


  6. yes I have this same need about my food pantry...shop there first before buying what I actually already have!

  7. Quiet weekend here with a warm beautiful Saturday. We went for a walk in shirt sleeves - it was 70 degrees - as opposed to Sunday night when snow fell. I enjoy reorganizing my yarn. After I put away the holiday decor, I go through my stash. I should also shop my stash - there is plenty to keep me busy. Enjoy your holiday prep.

  8. Well that does sound productive! I don't have that much stash, but I can still be delighted to imagine skeins of yarn I already own becoming a sweater! How many adults are you hosting for Christmas? I hope you have a lot of worsted and aran weight yarn :-)

  9. Sounds like have been busy. Oh to have a stash that I could go shopping from, despite having quite a bit nothing is ever quite right when I have a project in mind......

  10. Sounds like a nice, yarn filled weekend! I'm currently trying to decide which would annoy me less - keeping my yarns in 1,000 small clear stackable boxes that are stacked so high they tend to tip over, or one (or more) huge Rubbermaid tubs that I can't see into. The small. clear boxes worked great at the old house but I no longer have the massive amount of shelving here at the new place. Decisions, decisions!

  11. I love a good sorting weekend, it feels like you get so much done. Last weekend I was without a computer or internet, I read a lot and did homework with a cute 8 year old who isn't that cute when it is homework time!

  12. Love the fresh watercolor set! Last weekend was a lazy one as usual and it felt good to know we'd have this week off for Thanksgiving break.


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