
do you see the deer?

This weekend was full of extraordinary goodness.  Our son is home for his Thanksgiving break from Penn State, more than likely the last one since he is graduating and applying for professor jobs (praying he is close by!!).  We won't know until early to mid spring if he has job interviews or offers.

I've been working on my to do list for the Thanksgiving event.  Everyday I've listed something to do so that I get it all done in a timely manner.

The sunrises have been brilliant and beautiful.  I love waking up and taking Frodo out in the early morning light and witnessing nature.

Speaking of nature, it SNOWED.  Yes!  I don't think it was even in the forecast and we got about 2 inches of beautiful snow.  It usually snows around my birthday, so I consider this snowfall a belated birthday present from Mother Nature.

I decorated the house for Christmas, except for the tree.  I will put that up next weekend.  I strategically decided what would be safe with a two year old inquisitive cat.  Sunday morning, I found the farm animals of the Nativity scene on the floor instead of the low shelf I placed them on.  Holly delights me in what she decides is a toy or not.

I did not put out anything precious, nor did I put out anything that my mother created.  My mother died in 1998 and I treasure all of those handmade gifts she made for me.  I know one day Holly will be an 'older' cat' (she is already settling down so much!) and I can put out all of the heirlooms on future Christmases.

How was your weekend?


  1. That snow is so pretty! Your decorating strategy sounds like a very good idea. Heirlooms are too precious to risk !

  2. Gorgeous snow! And, having pets is like having small children - except there is no out of reach zone! lol

  3. Snow! Snow is so beautiful. What a blessing that it snowed for you birthday!

    What is your son studying? I actually wish be professor myself so I wonder what it is like for people starting with a job as a professor. Or planing to. I just wonder what the path looks like though university and after.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  4. What a lovely weekend you had, Karen! And having your belated birthday snow and your son coming home for Thanksgiving break all in the same weekend makes life wonderful, yes?

    Our weekend was good. We had to cancel some plans due to a health issue on Saturday but later that day our "adopted" Filipino son came and we enjoyed time with him. Yesterday was church, more time with our "adopted" Filipino son and an afternoon of rest before heading back to church in the evening for our Thanksgiving service and meal. It was a very good weekend.

  5. Ah snow.. we have had a barely a sprinkle. Happy Birthday!

  6. Sounds lovely! And so glad your son is home.

    All decorated! Oh mercy, you are ahead of me. With all my "Needing Holiday Sparkle" noises... I still don't have any up. -grin-

    Happy Thanksgiving!


  7. No snow yet...enjoy your holiday and best wishes to your son in his job quest. Love the opening photo.

  8. Only the PIE girl has tried to climb the tree. Just once. The rest of them leave it alone, with the exception of Beatles who likes to lie under the tree with his tail curled around him. Weekend was fun for knitting. Sun came out.....tried to touch base with my dad. and succeeded over the phone

  9. The sunsets in my neighborhood look like the sunrises in yours ... and I love the symmetry ... and also those purples fading to blues (or vice versa for you). Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

  10. Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy your family! You are very organized working on your to-do lists. Yes, I wouldn't risk losing any of the heirloom ornaments or decor. We had a dusting of snow today. I love it but hope for a clear Thanksgiving Day so we can get to my sister's.

  11. The snow-covered trees look picturesque and so beautiful. We'll start decorating for Christmas here after Thanksgiving. My aunty sent us a plaid fabric reindeer and a cute dish towel for the winter holiday already; she works at Nordstrom and keeps an eye out for fun things like that for us.

  12. I would love to have a morning like that, November here is dull and grey we have 100% cloud cover all of the time and there is so little light, the last time I saw the blue sky was two weeks ago. How lovely that you have family coming for Thanksgiving I hope you have a wonderful time together.


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