Around Here

I don't know about you, but January was glorious for me. The quiet days slipping from one to another supported lots of creative time for me. I hope February is just as good. Around here we have no snow and after three days of sunny skies we are back to clouds and dreariness. Thank you for your compliments on the hat and mittens I made the preschooler. I started the bear hat last night. I am having some issues with my right thumb hurting (too much knitting on double pointed needles). I should give the hands a break....should. But I really want to knit! The RA doc thinks it's mild OA, I think it's a flare up and it will go away eventually. If you remember last year my RA doctor retired (boo) and now I have a young doctor. I saw her on Wednesday for a six month recheck, I am slowly forgiving my old doctor for leaving me. This new one wants to re-diagnose me and so every time I have routine bloodwork every three months do...