Knitting News

My chili pepper cowl is an hour or so away from being done.  I was graced with some pockets of time during babysitting to add some rows.  I'm excited to finish this and wear it!

Truly I apologize for the terrible photos of my sweater.  I worked a long day yesterday (babysitting) then had an appointment after that.  Needless to say by the time I was free to photograph daylight hours were over.

Imagine my sweater in purplely goodness!

I am now at the part where you split the front and back hem of the body of the sweater.  I will not make the back longer than the front as per instructions.  They will be the same length.

So so so excited to be ever so close to sleeve knitting!!


  1. Love that chili pepper color and your purply goodness!

  2. LOVE your cowl and that sweater is a great pattern. Can't wait to see your finished pieces - won't be long now!

  3. I've said it before and I'll say it again: that chili pepper color is divine! Is the pattern too difficult for someone who has never done cable before? I just lost my favorite cowl and am thinking I should knit a new one!

    1. I definitely think you could knit this, there are lots of new skills to learn but YouTube would help if you are in desperate need of instruction!

  4. That chili pepper cowl will be gorgeous!!!!!!!


  5. Your cowl is a gorgeous colour. I am glad it is not just me who realises that they need to take a photo of something and it is now dark.......your sweater is looking lovely.

  6. super impressed you even HAVE knitting news now that you're back to baby sitting!

  7. That cowl looks so great! And that is a really nice sweater pattern. Can't wait to see it finished (and in the right light for the color)

  8. Love the cowl and the colour is a delight, what a great name for a colour.

  9. I hope your cowl is long done by now! And, I just love that yarn for your sweater! Isn't this weather just divine for getting some knitting done? :)

  10. Chili Pepper is looking warm and toasty. Just the cowl for the end of January. I can imagine the sweater as purple goodness. I think like you, I never mind sleeves. The circumference is smaller and it means I'm near the end! Happy Knitting.

  11. Love the chili pepper cowl! I'm also so curious to know what color your sweater truly is. On my screen, it always looks like a dark charcoal gray/black. Beautiful, but not purple.

  12. You got in some good knitting time. I really like how you chose that pop of color, different from your usual color palette.

    1. I received this skein as a Christmas gift! I love the pop of color!


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