
My weekend was a fun one.  On Saturday I woke up to unusual weather, too warm and too breezy!  However, we had a two hour drive to a wedding so I was completely fine with no snow in the forecast.  We witnessed the union of a lovely couple, the daughter of a friend.  Weddings are delightful and full of promises and new beginnings. 

I love love.

As I prepared for the wedding, I wrestled with nylons and various dresses in the closet etc.  Needless to say I need to find some new clothes to wear to another wedding later this year.  Nylons DO deteriorate after many years, trust me.  Ordinarily I do not wear them, but I didn't want to be cold.

Also at the wedding we spent time with our daughter and son in law (yay!).

Yesterday I started going through some cookbooks for some new recipes.  Every new year I am motivated to try new menu plans and then I set that goal aside.  It's January and once again I am eager to switch up the same old same old foods.

Also yesterday after a blustery gusty windy day on Saturday, I enjoyed abundant blue skies - so very beautiful!  I spent the day doing laundry and cleaning.

How was your weekend?


  1. My weekend was weirdly warm! The warm weather was nice in January and I was able to open windows for some fresh air, but the best was knitting on the porch!

  2. The weekend here was warm and so windy. And, rain! A good weekend for getting odds and ends done!

  3. Warm, warm, warm. Windows and doors open. Weird, but kind of a nice break. I'm sure the cold will return!

  4. It was weirdly warm here in Illinois too, and rainy...we had A LOT of rain and I'm glad that it wasn't snow!

  5. Windy here Karen causing havoc with the ferries and supplies.

  6. What a beautiful weekend! Unfortunately we didn't get to spend much of it outdoors, we had a pretty packed weekend with a birthday party and a Knicks game.

  7. Weddings are fun. I love those beautiful blue skies.We had those some yesterday and today, but I think we will be back to clouds and snow again soon. Have a good week.

  8. Best of luck with the menu planning. I try hard to enjoy looking for and at recipes to add a little variety to our meals but it isn't my favorite thing to do. Our nice weather blew east. We had cold and a dusting of snow. Sunday afternoon was a good day for a bowl of popcorn and knitting a swatch.

  9. Sounds like a lovely weekend ! Mine was good too, went to the gym as well as being a couch potatoe ( started on a crochet blanket ). I can relate to your cooking zest, have to admit I even ordered a complete new cookbook, ahum... How do you like the Salad Samurai ? I've heard some good things about it, always wonder if it should be added here...

    1. I haven't tried enough recipes to say buy it! The dressings seem to be many ingredients to make and that puts me off of making them.

  10. Sounds like a great weekend. I presume nylons are what we call tights here in the UK? If so I live in them over the Autumn/Winter/Spring I like the thicker type in any colour but black and preferably patterned too!

    Maybe it would be better to add one new meal a month to your menu rather than trying to do lots at once and then you might stay on track during the year, just a thought x

    1. here tights are opaque, nylons/pantyhose are sheer or almost opaque. No matter what they are not fun to wear!

  11. Funny how our weather patterns seemed to be swapped. I also love to start the year off with some new recipes.

  12. Your weekend sounds wonderful with the exception of nylons and laundry. :) I'm curious to know how you like the Whole Life Nutrition cookbook. I've been thinking of picking up a copy but something always stops me from making the purchase.

  13. Looks like a perfect weekend - especially with a wedding AND seeing your daughter and son-in-law.

  14. What a fun weekend! One of my favorite cookbooks is America’s Test Kitchen’s Cooking for Two cookbook. It has a lot of good recipes that are easy to prepare and delicious!


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