
How was your weekend? We were able to walk yesterday but Saturday was a rainy drippy dreary day. I missed the sun while it was raining and the day felt like it lasted forever. Frodo and Holly were in the same room! Frodo didn't know Holly was on that loveseat and he did figure it out eventually. It was a noisy morning. I think they have fun with their dog-cat game. Holly knows what he does and she likes to instigate once in a while. As you can predict, I knit a lot, cast on some new stuff, and finished a project. I'm stuffing my brain with all the knits! I finished a 'meh' book and needed a day to recover. So let's hope what I pick next is better, honestly there is nowhere to go but up for me. I met with my real life knitting friends for a zoom meeting. It was nice to see everyone and I took a photo of my knitting mess below. Good times! Sunday I watched Mass on youtube and did my laundry as always. ...