Knitting News

I have to confess that all of my waking hours are spent knitting my yoke sweater.  Last night I finished the color-work and now I'm on the plain old stockinette knitting.  You know what that means,  I can read and knit at the same time.  Knitting bliss!

What have you been working on this week?


  1. Just beautiful! I've been working on taxes this week, so my knitting time is way down!

  2. Socks (with a generous sprinkling of body of the sweater knitting so I can read!) :)

  3. Wow! That is gorgeous Karen. I've been knitting socks and thinking about other possibilities!

  4. The colors of your sweater are gorgeous!

  5. Beautiful color work. Now, enjoy your book while you do the soothing stockinette.

  6. Happy you got to where you wanted to get too!!! -smile-

    🌱 🌸 🌱 🌷 🌱

  7. I really, really love the colours in this one. The complementary contrasts look fantastic, and it reminds me so much of autumn - pumpkin, blue skies, white clouds ... it's gonna be so beautiful when it's finished.

  8. This sweater is simply gorgeous. I am working on shawls until I figure out which sweater pattern to use for a gray sweater. I should get going before the warm weather arrives.

  9. Lots of knitting and ripping here, to, since we are kinda home bound thanks to the corona virus in our area. Love that sweater and its cheery colors!

  10. oh my - LOVE!! I'm knitting sleeve #2 on my Joy Cardigan and should be blocking it soon.

  11. Wow that looks fantastic! I can see why you would want to work on that. I am knitting another pair of socks, a dishcloth and a shawl. I have found a pattern for a cardigan for my daughter using some yarn I found in a charity shop. I shall be casting that on soon I think.

  12. I love the colors of your yoked sweater! I would love to make something like this for myself. You've inspired!

  13. How addictive and what bright and fun colors you're knitting up.

  14. I can't seem to settle down and work on anything! Your sweater is beautiful.

  15. I love the colors in your sweater. Those blues play so well with the orange. I've been doing nothing but knitting and reading too.


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