
My weekend was pretty good even though the news is unsettling.  My hands are sad from all the hand-washing.  At the grocery stores the paper product aisles are completely bare.  These are strange times.

My son and his girlfriend were visiting for the weekend and we had dinner in each day at home.  It was nice to see them and be with them.  Yesterday after dinner they headed back to their apartments.  My house is tidy and back to the way it was before they arrived.

I've done a lot of walking and taking in the signs of spring.  I'm compelled to check the news frequently and yet I try to curtail the checking.  I've been reading a lot and of course knitting tons.  This might be the time to start some new projects while we are hunkering down.

How was your weekend?


  1. Pretty mug! Weird times, for sure. I find myself more distracted, so knitting hasn't been the easiest. And of course, ,I love staying home, but when told that you "must" stay home I tend to balk and that's when I want to go out! LOL.

  2. That sweater! Oh my, I love the colors and the design! And sweet Frodo...he needed that nap. Yes, a good point you make about doing knitting projects (or crocheting projects, or spring cleaning projects) while we are hunkering down. Remembering that God is in control keeps me anchored in times like these. Glad you had an enjoyable visit with your son and his girlfriend over the weekend.

  3. Strange times, indeed! I think knitters are among the best-equipped to deal with them, but we still have to deal with finding things to make for dinner with the bare shelves. I love those green shoots with the red stems! Spring is on the way and we can still get outdoors to enjoy it.

  4. Much the same, and my hands are sad too - so now, after washing, I am putting some lotion on. It is helping! Stay well!

  5. Eating home is wise... As of this evening (Mon.) our city restaurants/bars are closed. Take out and delivery food is allowed.

    These people, buying everything in stores, now! Did they not figure it to be wise, to prepare...? When it was in China? Europe? Italy closed down? Where is their common sense???

    We are inside, as we are in high risk class. -smile-

    But we have been preparing for a while. Things we will use, of course.

    Oh please, stop the News! Check your local area trusted sources. Ban panic. It hurts your immune system!

    Stay wise, clam, safe.
    Turn off the 😱screaming😱 sources.
    Listen to your local County Public Health source.

  6. I love your knitting project. So glad you could spend the weekend with your son and his girlfriend. Have a good week and stay well.

  7. I started a Nightshift two weeks ago when we were first asked to stay in. I order if I will finish it and need to start some else new? Good thing I have a fluffy stash.

  8. Oh gosh, I just LOVE the rusty orange of your sweater! It's So pretty!
    I imagine hand lotion will be the next thing we start panic buying. Stay well!

  9. Our weekend was strange too. First Corona case was reported on Friday, than Saturday it was 2 and Sunday 3. We did go to the beach and dinner with friends on Saturday, but stayed home on Sunday.
    I love that color of your sweater!

  10. aren't we fortunate to be surrounded by people, animals, and things we love. not to mention busy hands and minds ... keep safe!

  11. Wonderful pictures in this post.

  12. I hear you on the hands - I have to moisturize more as well. Your weekend sounds wonderful and very cozy! It's so good that spring is on its way finally, I think staying at home would be worse if it was during the dark months, and if you can get out on the garden or what, that's even better.
    Your sweater looks great, and I'm glad to read you're adjusting!

    1. I do not know where your blog is! Could you link it?

  13. Amen on the sore hands. I predict the next shortage might be hand cream - although there are a million choices so maybe not. The news is disturbing. Your sweater is coming along. It is so pretty. Take good care. We had a quiet weekend - settling in for the week to come.

  14. Your sweater is growing so quickly! I am glad to hear that you got to spend the weekend with your son and daughter in law. Things are slowly closing down here as restrictions are put in place, it is for the best we have to find things to do that don't compromise society's ability to rid itself of this virus and get back to normal.


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