
Our weekend was low-key because of the PA shutdown.  So what does one do?  Well we are trying our best to walk every single day if the weather permits.  On Saturday we saw HUMANS.  I said 'hello human beings!' as we kept our more than six foot distance.  We live out in the country so our human sightings are limited.  However, I see humans more than I see bears, and I see deer more than I see humans.

My husband was whistling this weekend and I asked him what is he so happy about.  He replied 'I love social distancing'.  As you can imagine he is an introvert.

All of the daffodils are blooming and are a cheerful sight to behold.  There is a hill speckled bland with dead grass and bushes yet to sprout leaves. In the middle of this hill there's a cluster of daffodils booming and screaming 'it's spring!'.  So lovely.

I'm starting to focus better as I adjust to what is going on, I heard your advice to quit consuming the news, I am trying but I want to be informed.  I'm toying with starting another sweater (or shawl) but can't decide what yarn to knit with.  Seriously I think I should knit with the best supplies because these are trying times.

I hope you are well where ever you are.  Isn't it nice that the internet friends already keep a social distance?  We can carry on like always, the only difference is what we talk about will be more about our creative pursuits and less about our 'busy' schedules.

I did manage to create an exercise routine that I will start twice a week tomorrow.   How about you?  What kept you busy this weekend?


  1. Like your husband, I am an introvert! I don't mind spending a lot time by myself, but I don't like the feeling of being anxious if I needed to go to the store. Our numbers in Colorado are climbing fast and Im sure only a matter of days before the state will be on 'enforced' quarantine!
    Your sweater is coming along swiftly and beautifully. Of course cast on for another project or two. You will have plenty time to complete these new CO.

  2. That yarn reminds me of winter squash - acorn or buttenut or buttercup. All delicious and all beautiful! I'm not really minding the social distancing. I do miss seeing out son and his fiance, but we have plans to Skype later on. Not the same, but the best we can do now. Getting outside is so important, I think. But...not today...it is cold and there is rain (all day) and some snow around us. Stay well Karen!

  3. We are trying to walk several miles a day for exercise, but rain is predicted for the next few days here so that may "dampen" our routine. I love the color of the sweater you are knitting. Have a good week. Stay safe and well.

  4. Like Vera, I thought of squash when I saw your yarn! I'm not minding the social distancing so far, but it's only been a week or so. The governor of DE (where John's workplace is) extended the work-from-home time to May 15, which sounds like a long time, but we really don't have much choice. But luckily we have yarn!

  5. It is raining here, so I hope you find a dry break to get a walk in! I am giving thanks for phones, and the internet, and FaceTime! :) Stay dry (and well!!)

  6. LOL, I love the moose cup! I'm an introvert too and other than my knitting groups being canceled and our weird meals, my life hasn't changed all that much. I do desperately miss my knitting groups though. Thank goodness for online friendships! Stay well,

  7. I'm glad this social distancing is happening in spring, it would have been far more depressing had it been winter. We're having a lot of rain this week so not much time can be spent outside.. but we see some daffodils peaking out as well.. right now it's a little things that bring us joy.

  8. My husband and I are very much like your husband, we're quite content with the social distancing for now. : ). In the midst of all this uncertainty we've accepted an offer on our house and today are putting an offer on another. Fingers crossed that the house inspection and appraisal goes well - the buyers have the same last name as us! So funny! We are taking things one day at a time; I check in with my mom and daughters daily and try staying in touch with friends. Hoping that the shelter-in-place efforts are successful in cutting the spread of the virus. Stay safe, Karen! xo

  9. First of all, I love your husband's perspective! :) We live in the country also and it is so wonderful to take my daily little walk around our backyard and see what has changed since the day before. It is amazing what a difference a day can make. We are having rain instead of the predicted 4-6 inches of snow so that makes my heart sing. I love a good snow but not this time of year! And isn't it kind of God to give us these beautiful signs of hope during a somewhat stressful time? He's good that way!
    Praying for you and your family. xo

  10. As an introvert I can relate to your husband's view, but I have to admit that not being allowed to go to happy hours feels different from deciding to stay home.
    But yes, hooray for online friendships! I even took up blogging in Dutch again to feel a bit more connected (hmn, maybe I'm not as introverted as I think I am).

  11. I'm introverted as well, but I have to admit that my head gets in the way these days. ;) I don't have a problem with staying at home, knitting and reading, but most of my relatives are at an age where they yare at risk, and I have to try to not let this get to me too much.

    I hear you on the materials!! I ordered yarn yestereday to make another sweater. I HAVE sweater quantities of yarn for three more, but it's a very nice soft yarn in chocolate brown, and the shirt will be super comfy.
    Please take care!! I'll try and work out tonight.

  12. "Isn't it nice that the internet friends already keep a social distance? We can carry on like always, the only difference is what we talk about will be more about our creative pursuits and less about our 'busy' schedules."
    Very smart thought here, Karen. Love seeing Frodo as usual. I have potatoes baking in the oven right now. The bell tower alarm has gone off which means my fasting is over and I can have something to eat. Spuds with butta and shredded, Mex cheese has been our lunch along with steamed broccoli.

  13. I am an introvert, but I need a little interaction to get out of my own head! Looks like you've got some wonderful knitting to keep you company. and a whole host of internet friends!

  14. I too am an introvert and a homebody so I don't mind being at home. It's a little more challenging for my social husband. We have been out walking every day it is possible to walk. I keep on knitting and also I've finished a few odd jobs that needed doing. Your knitting looks beautiful. I agree we should knit with very nice yarn and tools these days. Take good care.

  15. Again, you two are so cute. I love your pup. The weekend was cold and cloudy. But today, Tuesday is glorious. 50 out and sunshine! We OVERworked in the woods. Im determined to have a healthier forest !!! We have to do controlled burn to get the weeds and the invasive species to DIE . Its a lot of work, but mind clearing and I sleep so well

  16. Love that your husband is whistling and enjoying the social distancing. You are right that we will be writing more about our creativity rather than our busy schedules, I hadn't thought of that. Although I have once again not made it online for two days at the beginning of this week, I am not sure where that time went.....


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