Finding Joy

My husband and I have settled into a new rhythm to our weekdays.  He's busy working remotely from home in my craft room upstairs (also known as the cat room...or guest room).  He'll be in various virtual meetings and Holly will walk across his laptop to take center stage.  If only she new that people were watching.  After lunch we take a walk with Frodo as long as it's not raining or like yesterday not super windy. 

This morning I heard a woodpecker while drinking in the beginning of the day as I stood outside.  I try my very best to write a few things down that I'd like to do during each day and they're simple goals.  Mainly my watercoloring has been scant.  I don't 'feel' like it and when the afternoon arrives I know I won't do it at all.

Yesterday I set up the paints and supplies right after breakfast so that when I walked by I would be reminded to do something, anything.  This worked!  I enjoyed playing around with color mixing and found joy.  I'll be doing the same today as well. 

As you can see in my first photo, I am on the first sleeve of my orange sweater.  I work on this project at the end of the day while watching TV.  I'm zipping along nicely.  My other photo is the citron shawl that is growing ever so slowly.  I cannot multitask while knitting because of the silk content and the lace weight yarn.  So I listen to podcasts instead.

I'm finding joy in spring's arrival and the flowers that are blooming in my yard and on my walk.  There's joy in phone calls with my kids and my family.  Who knew that making homemade banana nut bread would be a delight heralding memories of my mother making the same bread many years ago.  There's joy in a well curated menu plan that I glance at and know what's for dinner and I find joy in the days that are left overs (no cooking!). 

Birds are singing, leaves are sprouting and sometimes the days are warm enough for a light jacket.  All joy.

Where are you finding joy?


  1. My joy is coming from many of the same places - my daily walk through the cemetery, calls with my kids, a bit of reading, and maybe even knitting today. I'm finally reaching some small bit of contentment (at least for now), and it sounds like you have also. Stay well.

  2. Such a lovely post Karen, I love the things that you are finding joy with. I too am enjoying my knitting and my shawl has grown a lot quicker than I thought it would. We too are hanging out at home in the morning and outside going for a walk or bike ride in the afternoons. I am finding joy in us all being home and ticking along in a good rhythm together.

  3. It is so easy to let the feelings of panic and fear over take us during these pandemic days. I'm glad you are able to find joy in the everyday things. I, too, am doing the same. Texting with our son, cooking, knitting and, importantly, getting outside for a breath of fresh air. Though, I agree - yesterday was way too windy and it is howling out there again today! Wishing you a great weekend (love your pear and those pictues of Holly!1).

  4. What a lovely post, Karen. I enjoyed hearing about all of the ways you find joy in your days! Love the pear! We've been eating some of my canned pears several times a week. That brings me joy. I, too, have been making good meals...taking the time to plan. I don't really do a menu plan though. On Sundays I ask my husband what he would like to eat in the coming week and then I go from there. Last evening we had taco salad...without the chips because I didn't have any. LOL But it was still good. I'm also finding joy in the beauty of nature that is all around us.

  5. Perhaps not joy, but I am finding moments of calm that are much needed! Be well and have a good weekend!

  6. Just now, this morning, I played with my blog look!!!!!! Which is always fun for me. And it is actually, at this time, my form of a creative hobby. Has been, and continues to be, in this 'new normal' time.

    I picked April Showers for a theme. It seems happy and bright and joyful. -smile-

    Whatever we do, as long as it brings a wee bit of Joy, it is GOOD!!!! -smile-

    💧🌷🌱 💦🌱🌷💧

  7. A restful post with hope of things to come just what I need. Take care and have the best weekend you can.

  8. I love this post and the way you are finding joy in an uncertain time. My husband and I also enjoy daily walks together. I think I will look back at this time with fond memories of time with those I love.

  9. Art supplies and knitting are such joys! I do well most days. I do have my moments of anxiety and slight panic. I turn off the news and take a deep breath and look for something happy.

  10. I am finding joy in many of the same things that gave me joy two months ago. Knitting, a good book, a walk with my husband (which, honestly, is a renewed good thing - we did it a few years ago and recently found the time to do it again), keeping up with friends, FaceTime with my girls, snuggling with Holly ... it's there. and honestly, I kind of like that I have to look a little harder to find it.

  11. We truly have much to be thankful for and I am thankful for all the good things you wrote about

  12. I think it really helps (right now) that it is spring and things are changing so quickly outside. It is my favorite time of year for that. As a kid I used to make a walk through the yard to see what had changed over night before leaving for school. Still love that.

  13. That's cute Holly walks across your husbands laptop during meetings. I just had a zoom meeting this past week it was nice to see people again from work and some chose not to do the video, but it was fun to see some of my coworkers.. no cats though sadly. I am finding joy in new courses, new knitting projects, new books, and exercising almost daily. Stay safe!

  14. That orange sweater looks gorgeous.

  15. I take joy in the everyday activities - knitting, talking with my kids, texting my friends, and daily walks. A sunny day is a reason to celebrate. I have also found joy in music, listening to a CD (I know old school) while preparing dinner. And reading your posts bring me joy.

  16. Had to laugh at Holly joining the virtual meeting. My nephew was on one the other day and his dog was barfing all over the room he was in and everyone got to listen to it. Fun meetings these days. :) I'm So in love with your sweater! That color combo is amazing!

  17. That pear rocks!!! Mortie bugs my teen like that. Always wants attention from her. We tell her hey, you wanted that cat; deal with it.


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