
Holly says 'hi'

How was your weekend?

Mine was low keyed (isn't everybody's these days?) and filled with relaxing activities.  We walked both days and I'm thoroughly enjoying the greening up of the trees and bushes in our area.  What a welcomed sight to behold.  I worked on some sock knitting and lace weight knitting.  I also pulled out some cross stitch!  I know!  So much time on my hands, why not revisit past pursuits.

Yesterday we had a zoom meeting with family and I loved seeing everybody.  Hurrah for technology.  Speaking of technology, this morning my electricity went out for two hours and it felt like 12 hours.  I couldn't blog even trying with a personal hotspot, I guess it's not fast enough? 

Instead I did some yoga and read some of my book while waiting for modern conveniences to return.  As you can guess I am connected once again.

All of our new plantings made it through the winter and truly are deer resistant.  I'm excited to see how they all look in the coming weeks.  My husband started to weed the beds yesterday since it was a nice day.

How was your weekend?


  1. My weekend was full of yard work and mowing but I was glad to get it done before today's heavy rain. My cousin in Maine has been without electricity for three days ... and counting! I'm very grateful for all the modern conveniences, especially on a day like today.

  2. It was a good weekend (not perfect, but good!) And yay for deer resistant plants!

  3. Hi Karen, your weekend sounds lovely - apart from not having internet access for 2 hours :) Easter weekend was a bit of a strange one this year but we had such glorious weather here in the UK! We got loads of gardening done.

  4. Our weekend was nice. quiet (no surprise), but we did get to see Colin & Mailing (from a safe distance) last night! Today: rain and more rain.....

  5. Strange not the usual Easter, but enjoyable none the less. Take care and stay safe.

  6. Here, it was a pretty usual day. Since we are always home-bodies. And I fully try to appreciate, how lucky we are, to be thus. And not be people who go-go-go, either to jobs or etc.

    Was saying this to middle son on phone of course, yesterday. Both he and his wife, go out to work, normally. And both are working from home now, of course. As are all our children. But youngest son and his wife, always work at home. So it's usual, for them, in a very unusual time.

    Our "Big Thing" -smile- was that we watched a cute children's movie on Sat. night, and the old classic "Easter Parade" on sunday night. Little things. But so much bigger, in these times.

    Stay safe,
    And calm...

  7. Snowing, cold, slow weekend! It was good!

  8. I think electricity and plumbing are KEY to surviving a pandemic. I'm glad you have both again :-) also, wonderful to enjoy a family gathering online. I need to get our folks together to do that, too!

  9. Glad you got your power back on. Ours went out for a while but came back on before I got too stir crazy. I keep saying I'm going to pull out the cross stitch but I can't seem to put down the knitting needles.

  10. Oh Im having trouble discerning weekend from weekdays!!! Im glad you work meeting went well. I'm motivated to knit some more tech mittens for some reason. I did too much woods work and collapsed on Monday!

  11. That Holly has a darling face. Quiet weekend but I'm counting my blessings and trying to remember quiet is good. Saturday was warm and lovely. About 4:30 a.m. a storm blew through with lightning and hail. Sunday was a good day to be tucked inside with our special Easter brunch. I knit on and off all day and talked to family.

  12. Sounds like a nice relaxing weekend. I had a relaxing weekend too and did some exercise, knitting, and reading and I had a facetime chat with family on Sunday after eating together while on camera that was nice.

  13. It is hard for weekends to be different now isn't it, so easy to lose track of the days as the slowly and steadily chug along. We did video calls with both sets of parents/grandparents here so that they could catch up with the children, we are going to make it a regular weekend thing.


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