Gratitude List

What I'm grateful for this week:

-mostly sunshine instead of cloudy days
-starting a creativity tracker in my planner before the pandemic never knowing how much it would be a big help in my days and my motivation
-hitting a fine rhythm with daily cooking and weekly menu planning

-the start of sketching out our summer outings outdoors and many picnics to be
-modern technology and how it weaves a thread of togetherness
-all the knitting!
-Air Conditioning(!)

-a brand new frisbee for Frodo to put in the pool and then bark at it
-the upcoming landscaping project around the pool and replacing a retaining wall
-rediscovering our traveling county library and ALL the books I want and curbside pickup. (this is a game changer for many desired books)

-clean kitchen floors for now
-big salads 
-new to me salad dressings

-ideas of challenging myself in artwork, both sketching and watercoloring
-you-tube and all the artists who post information regarding watercoloring and sketching
-for all the funny TikTok clips I stumble upon on the internet.  The world is full of fun people!

In no particular order:  -sweet grapes - watermelon - black olives - crunchy lettuce - veggies in the garden - watercolor paints - iced tea -summer yarns -  lemonade - ice cubes -  laughter - my pets - my husband - my family

life is good!


  1. What a lovely list and your pictures are perfect. Looks like some peaceful moments in your corner of the world.

  2. So many things to be grateful for! I wish our libraries were open, even for curbside pickup, but not yet. If I had that and air conditioning, I could hardly imagine a better life!

  3. A beautiful list. There is always something to be grateful for.

  4. Love your's always good to be thankful...
    ~Have a lovely day!

  5. That is one lovely list Karen! So much to be thankful for and look forward to also!

  6. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! You have a different Background Color!!!!!!! Toward-the-Gray! Instead of Toward-the-Brown! Now that you have done it, I can tell you, how deeply delighted, this makes me!!!!!!!!! -happy, happy, happy sigh-

    My 'being' resonates with a Gray Spectrum. My 'being' does not resonate with a Brown Spectrum.

    Now I know, that you do resonate with the Brown Spectrum. And the Yellows, which go with it. But you have been dipping your toes into *my* Spectrum, with your new-to-you Pinks!!!!!!! And Pinks go with the Gray Spectrum. Like Yellows do, with your Brown.

    I know, this is wayyyyyy toooooo muchhhhhhhhh, for most people. -grinnnn- Perhaps some, don't even notice, what colors, they choose all the time. But for me, it's just part of me.

    So, after all this rambling, let me just say, I am a Happy Dear Reader! For as long as you want to choose this Background. It is your blog. You choose the Background Color, for your typed words, and pictures.

    BTW, I choose a plain White, all the time, as my Background. In case there are any others, like me, who really notice such. And for whom, the Background Color, is a big part of their reading of blogs. -smile-


  7. I love your list. Right now I am just very grateful that we are all healthy here. I don't know about you, but I am finding meal planning difficult with limited once every 2 weeks grocery shopping and not being comfortable just popping into my local store when I need an ingredient. I am baking a lot though. I love your pictures. Your parrot watercolor is beautiful.

  8. I like your bird picture! And all this mention of fresh foods is making me hungry! I do like a good salad.

  9. What a wonderful list. You inspire me to look at life differently. I have been doing better at not whiling away the days and then wondering why I haven't accomplished anything. That's a win.

  10. Such a wonderful list. Your watercolours inspired me to be a little braver about sharing some of my poetry, so I am thankful to you. Take care.

  11. Such a wonderful list Karen, I love the thought of Frodo putting the frisbee in the pool and then barking at it! I forget what a wonderful resource YouTube is, I might just have to have a look on there myself for some painting tips, I love watercolours too.

  12. I love your list Karen - such a winner! And especially the photo of Frodo - all stretched out next to that lovely pink knitting . Do have a great weekend and many more days of gratitudes. Cheers~

  13. What a wonderful list of how your days are filled. My rhythm has been waking up by 9, power walking on the Bowlflex for 70 or 90 minutes, showering, putting away dishes, washing dishes, working on my water intake, warming up my arms-wrists-hands, cooking our OMAD, and crafting.

  14. There is a lot to be grateful! Love your list and glad you find the planner helpful. I also find planning out some of my creative plans really helpful to keep moving forward. Thanks for sharing :) Have a great weekend!

  15. It all sounds so lovely. Stay safe.

  16. gratitude lists are my favorite! (well, along with to-do lists!) LOVE the plans for your pool area! (and the pink sweater)


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