This and That

Hello!  I hope you all are doing fine this Friday morning, I sure am.  I'm loving the green on my walks and the warmer weather.  Of course a heat wave is coming so I'm soaking up the temperate temperatures while I can.  Once it's 85 degrees, I'll be hiding in my house again.  On our walk this week we saw a turkey vulture (above photo).  I was pleased I could get a photo of him/her with my iphone, usually when I zoom in I lose the integrity of the composition.

I mentioned on Wednesday that I wanted to finish a cross stitch project within a week.  I have over half of it done already so my goal is attainable if I work on it daily instead of knitting all the time.  I'll keep you up to date on the progress.  I spent way too much time shopping for frames online.  It's so much easier to pop into a craft store and zip through an aisle and choose.  I hope they ship the frame soon!

Holly's first sneak by

Yesterday Holly insisted on slinking by the ottoman assuming Frodo was sleeping under there.  She was mistaken because he was snuggled under a blanket beside me!  Of course there was an epic dog/cat chase and I thought that would be the end of the drama.  Less than 15 minutes later, Frodo was back under the blanket beside me and she did the sneak by the ottoman (does she have a goldfish memory?) and sat behind us on the window sill.

There was peace among the wild kingdom for about 20 minutes, then there was another dog/cat chase.  I think they love each other.

Holly's second sneak by

Wednesday is when we do our weekly grocery shopping and any other errands and that is my least productive day at home.  This time we went to a remote greenhouse after the grocery run for some vegetable plants and enjoyed the country drive and the absence of customers.  The owners were so friendly and I know I will be going back to their farm. 

I find it funny that doing errands isn't what I consider productive. So yesterday when I woke up I wrote a creativity list and stuck to it no matter what.  Prioritizing what is important tends to get me out of whatever rut I am in mentally. 

I worked on my pink sweater, dabbled in watercolors and of course worked on the cross stitch project.  I had a fun day!

I hope you are having fun with projects and enjoying nice weather as well. 


  1. It sounds like contentment is well-established at your house, except for Holy and Frodo, and they're just having fun!

  2. Love your watercolors. And yes! I believe Holly and Frodo love each other!! You'll have that cross stitch finished in no time!

  3. A creativitity list sounds like a brilliant idea to focus on things that bring you joy. I may have to steal that idea ;-)

  4. My goodness Karen your needle and floss must be on fire the speed you are going. I love the water colours and love the idea of having a creativity list.

  5. That is so funny, the Holly sneak bys 🥰 you are doing well with your art! This week I wrote letters 🖋💌 as part of my creative pursuits.

  6. The cross stitch is looking pretty darn good. How big will it be when completed? Your Wednesday sound like a nice day out and about. How nice to find a new farm to go to for items. Holly and Frodo are making sure you don't lack for entertainment. Your watercolors are quite nice. I never could paint or draw. I think my art teachers gave me passing grades so they didn't suffer my lack of talent more than once.

  7. Same here... Do not like the idea of real summer, with its heat/humidity. Ughhhh....

    As long as they don't hurt each other, it's probably just their way. I hope. -gigggles-

    Fun with projects, and enjoying weather. Sounds perfect.

    Open up, please.
    In my country.
    With masks/distancing.
    Compromised people
    Stay home!

  8. I have been enjoying hand-quilting while I watch Netflix. That way I don't feel guilty about binge watching a series as I am being "productive"! Your watercolors are lovely - what a talent you have!

  9. oh those sneak by's! and what a lovely mix of projects you have going on. Have a wonderful weekend - enjoy that pool!!

  10. I thought that looked like a vulture! What was it stalking? Loved seeing those beautiful watercolors! You are very skilled!! Have a great weekend.

  11. I love that humidity and heat are finally on the way to us in Wisconsin. Porch time! I am pretty crabby tonight with the news of the barn reopening with few restrictions. I don't think We are going to be there at all this Summer. It doesnt bother my husband as much. Not nearly as much. That's bugging me too! Ha! I guess I want him to suffer with me. Not really. But Im far more upset than he is. I was hoping for one student/one volunteer with ample precautions. Sounds like everyone will be operating at their own comfort level. And that leaves us out

  12. Vultures, wow that seems such an exotic bird! I love those things that you might see all the time in your area but are unusual to others, it is easy to forget that isn't it?

    Your cross stitch is progressing well, looks like you might have it finished in time.

    We have got it all wrong, I think, with this measuring of our productivity. Sure there are things that it is good to measure but most of the time wouldn't it be so much better if we could just do what needs to be done and the rest of the time do what we want to do and not feel guilty about it?

  13. I love Holly and Frodo's antics so much! I think she likes him chasing her! :)

    Have a good weekend!

  14. I have the same outlook. Doing chores and shopping is not productive, but crafting is. That is probably why I can't wait to finish laundry, dusting, etc. Would love to see one of those Frodo/Holly chases. We have rain today, but the heat is expected sometime this week. I hope our air-conditioning works.

  15. Lovely photos of the trees and beautiful weather. I have been enjoying that a lot lately too! I like those days of being productive creatively too and feel like those days feel more full than days without it. I love your paintings and knitting progress. Hope you have a good week!

  16. LOL, Holly and Frodo. What a lucky kitty to get such a cat house. My neighbor recently got a new kitten, 15 weeks old. His name's Winston and he has blue eyes and black shadowing fur right in his nose area.

  17. It sounds like you are very productive! I love how Frodo and Holly get along so well, it reminds me of my boys always playing and chasing each other. Stay safe and have a good weekend.

  18. You are very productive. I know the day I run errands which right now is mostly grocery shopping feels interrupted somehow with not as much done. I am such a person of routine. Holly and Frodo keep life interesting for you that's for sure. I love your watercolors and your needlework projects. I hope your frame comes soon too. Then we can see the finished cross stitching.

  19. I love your idea of a creativity list! I need to do that because the fun stuff is what keeps getting pushed aside in favor of crossing off another item on the chore list. I love the adventures of Frodo and Holly!


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