
How was your weekend?

Mine was pretty good over all.  Saturday was picture-perfect weather with blue skies and warm low humidity weather.  I had the back door opened all day long.  Even the birds sang louder than ever rejoicing in the day. 

My husband opened the pool and has slowly been turning a dark green pool into a blue pool.  He is nearly done.  I doubt anyone will be swimming anytime soon since the pool is 57 degrees. 

On Saturday I read all day while doing some knitting.  Saturday night started the knitting woes.  I had to rip out about 7-8 rows on the shawl I'm working on.  Apparently I cannot count!  So three hours were lost ripping out and knitting back up what was ripped out.  However, I am back on track.

Sunday morning I repaired one of my husband's  hand-knitted socks.  That took 45 minutes undoing the bind off and figuring out where I was (which is easy since I knit the toe down to 16 stitches). He has another pair of socks that I've been meaning to mend and I looked at them again yesterday but they are quite thread bare and I cannot fix that. 

Holly has been brazen strutting about in the dog zone.  She always pauses right in front of the ottoman.  She wants to be chased and this morning she got her wish! Poor Frodo, he cannot ever be fast enough.

I did lots of laundry, washing winter sweaters to be put away until the fall.  I still have more to do next weekend.

How was your weekend?


  1. The weekend sounds like a good combination of practical and fun. It seems like all I did was cook and bake , lasagna and chocolate chip cookies, but now we've got lots of good things to eat.

  2. This weekend was just perfect! I would like to say I got some outside work done, but nope... we just enjoyed the weather! :)

  3. rain rain and more rain here...so it was nesting time for me; rereading the Dutch House for a bookclub zoom call this week. I'm not usually a repeat reader, but I've enjoyed this book the second time around I think even more than the first. Just love anything and everything Anne Patchett writes!

  4. Thank you so much for your comment, after we lost power to a bad storm. We are all fine though, and that is all that really matters.
    💨💦 💨💦 💨💦

  5. At what temperature do you jump into your pool? I like ours to be about 84 but I realize it is all relevant as to the kind of climate we live in. The lowest our pool gets in the winter is about 55 degrees. It gets over 90 in the summertime and then is no longer refreshing.

    Holly is so funny. Teasing Frodo so he can get some exercise. Cats are super fast.

    Your pink yarn you are working with is so pretty. It brings to mind springtime.

    BTW, our Bishop has also give us dispensation from attending Mass. Our church holds over 900 people and they are only allowing 250 in. We may decide to continue TV Mass and then go to the church for Eucharist after the Mass. That is what we do now. It amazes me how everything else is open other than bars and churches.

  6. The weekend was good - a mix of cooking, knitting and shopping!! I went to Target and it's the first time I have been in a store that is not exclusively groceries in several months. I had fun! More cooking on the agenda - I think making jam tonight!

  7. I never knew you had your own pool in the garden, how wonderful! We have an outdoor pool in the village which is a wonderful resource but I don't think it will be opening this year which is rather sad.

    Good to hear that someone else has been washing their hand knits, it is the time of year to do it.

    I am sorry to hear that you had to rip out a whole load of knitting it is such a pain to have to do that isn't it, but totally worth it in the end x

  8. Oh dear. Glad you got the mistake under control! You fix socks? I have to put you in a whole new category now. Fireman is fighting with the hot tub test results. He's not getting anywhere and he's not happy about it.

  9. Looks like you are getting ready for summer! Hope it warms soon so that you can use that beautiful pool. Love the kitty looking out the door.

  10. LOL, Holly causin some ruckus.

  11. Oh that Holly. She creates her own kind of fun. I am glad you are back on track with the knitting. We drove down to our church and listening to the weekly Carillon in the Car concert on Saturday evening. Sunday morning I knit through church and then listened to hymns and finished the knitting on my sweater. I planted my garden and herbs during the cool cloudy afternoon. All in all it was quite nice. I sure am looking forward to a coffee shop latte one of these weeks.

  12. The pool looks so tempting but needs to be a lot warmer for me to give into temptation. It was Gerard's birthday so we had a virtual family weekend.

  13. Not sure what it says about me but I get a kick out of watching the green pool water turn blue.
    Sorry you had to rip and re-knit but glad you're back on track.

  14. There must have been something in the air as I ripped out half a sock last week and just let it out of timeout last night. Hope your knitting is behaving now! Our Saturday and Sunday both had surprisingly nice weather so we had a couple of dry walks! Hurrah!


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