
Well well well. This weekend was quiet! I guess when you hear landscaping equipment for three days in a row you notice the silence and welcome it. I felt so relaxed. This morning they will be here by 8 a.m. to start up the noise and will be here until 3:30 p.m. They hope to be done by Wednesday but we'll see about that, it looks to me like Thursday might be the last day. The quote was for a 20 ft boulder wall but the wall builders said it was about 60 feet long... Sounds like the kind of eyeballing measuring that I do with yarn! Saturday my husband made curry and I sat and relaxed while he labored away. We always get into it when he declares how tired he is. I respond that I cook everyday. Did you know that his cooking is more tiring than mine? In the above photo he was saying take the picture over and over because I wanted it to be just right. I was laughing too much over that. So the photo is candid in a way...