June Days

Around here, the weather feels like mid summer with humidity and the thunderstorms that pop up at a whim.  Frodo has been policing the pool and has saved one toad out of many since they love to jump in but cannot jump out.  Of course he's been saving salamanders for the last two weeks as well.  He is living a full life.  Yesterday was the first 'I dropped the frisbee in the pool now you go get it' game.  He is quite predictable.

June days are lovely - warmth sets in and jeans are set aside for capris or shorts.  I wake up to the day breaking and Holly sits at the side window, watching the birds, swishing her tail in excitement.  

On Monday we walked by the river and then explored a new trail to us.  There was a dirt path down to the creek which we successfully navigated, however when I was walking back up hill I tripped and fell on my face and wrist.  My husband drove me to urgent care for x-rays and an examination.  My wrist was okay (phew!) and my nose, while swollen, seemed to be okay as well.  Every day the swelling goes down and I look more like myself.  

Some adventures I would rather skip!

I spent the whole week sitting around, knitting and reading.  I enjoy getting lost in a book for hours on end.  I am starting a pair of socks this weekend and originally pulled out the pink/maroon color way (I am in a PINK mood!) and then thought twice about it and pulled out the olive/brown color way instead.  These socks will be gift giving socks.  I've got six people in mind that could use a pair of wool socks.  I'll update you on which color way I choose.

We have no plans for the weekend, today someone from the appliance store is coming to check out my refrigerator (bought in November!) because the door alarm goes off when the doors are shut.  I hope it is something easy to fix.  I'm sure we will be doing the daily walks (on flat surfaces, ha ha ha).  Drawing and painting are also penciled into my days, it's been a week since I've done either.  


  1. I’m so sorry about your fall. How terrible and scary. I’m glad your are mending. I like the green sock yarn but of course pinks are always my favorite 😁. Hope you have a nice relaxing weekend.

  2. I'm sorry about your fall, but glad that nothing was broken. That creek trail looks like a fun place to walk, except for the tripping. I'm glad you didn't break your wrist and can still knit!

  3. Oh my! I hope that you're on the mend from the fall. It does look like a peaceful place to walk, though. Knitting and reading are a great way to pass time.

  4. What a pretty place to hike...so sorry about your fall...hope you feel better soon!
    ~Have a lovely day!

  5. I hope you are healing quickly. That fall sounds nasty. You have some lovely views on your walks. I wish we lived on the outskirts more just for that reason. I miss walking in nature. I have to drive over an hour to get anywhere near open spaces. Frodo sure does know how to live it up. What a character he is.

  6. So sorry about your fall Karen! Thank goodness nothing was broken. I did the same thing many, many years ago in a parking lot (I guess I tripped over air??). We ended up at the ER where I had to convince them that Fletch had not beaten me!! The river looks so pretty. Do take it easy and walk carefully!! Both sock yarns are so pretty - enjoy!

  7. Darn, what is with all my pals tripping and falling ...I say gravity! Rotational pull must be off! Heal fast. Ouch ouch ouch. Reading is such a joy when recuperating

  8. oh yikes! sending prayers for healing. and for pink socks! have a great weekend!!

  9. Well darn it anyway. A trip to urgent care is no way to end such a lovely walk. I am glad nothing was broken and that your nose is healing. Ouch. Books and knitting, I am not sure what I'd do without either these days. You are in a pink mood. I am glad.

  10. I hope you are healing quickly from your fall. Enjoy your knitting, books and playing with Frodo. He knows how to keep you cool.

  11. I am sorry to hear that you have had a nasty fall but so glad to hear that you are ok and nothing is broken. I have read somewhere recently that our balance gets worse as we age. Your week of recuperation sounds perfect, reading and knitting. I have knit a pair of sock in the a really similar colour way to the yarn in your last picture it was a Rico yarn.

  12. Oh yikes! I am so glad nothing was broken. Those sock yarns look fun though! And I loved Where the Crawdad's sing!

  13. I hate when things on a path leap up and trip me...happens more and more often these days. hmmmmm. glad you weren't hurt worse than you were. a wrist injury would have put a whole lot of things on the back burner!! summer is here, too...hot hot hot humid humid humid and buggy beyond belief...thank you mild winter. time to stay inside and catch up on some knitting!!!

  14. Sorry for your tumble. Enjoy your quiet weekend, perfect for healing.

  15. So sorry about your fall but glad nothing is broken and you were able to read and knit while you healed up. The river is so beautiful. Stay safe.

  16. Your poor face! I'm so glad your wrist is okay I think we must be soul sisters because that is exactly something I would do, except I'd most likely break my nose. Love the nature photos and that pink yarn!

  17. Your new sock yarn is fun. Sorry you fell so badly and hurt your face. Aiya, what ouchies. Glad you didn't break anything. I'm clumsy around the house and have bruises on my legs, most of the time forgetting what I had bumped into.


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