
What a glorious weekend I had!  We had low humidity, chilly mornings and endless blue skies.  I love those kind of days especially after a few days of hot humid weather.  I felt rejuvenated and ready to face the summer days ahead of me.  

I framed the infamous 'red floss bleeding' project and no one would know there are tinges of pink except you and me.  It's our secret.  This project was started when my son was in middle school *cough cough about 15 years ago....*  and I decided during these days to work on it once more.

My son loved it and I hope he enjoys it when he moves into his new space in Indiana, yet to be determined.  

Our daily walks have been great now that the temperature isn't overly hot.  All of the phlox is in bloom and yesterday I spotted Queen Ann's lace blooming, it won't be long before the daisies start popping up.

There was lots and of knitting and lots of reading.  I'm knee-deep reading the Middlemarch drama and I'm enjoying the novel.  It was slow going when I first started reading but now I'm into the characters and the plot.

How was your weekend?


  1. It was a glorious weekend, wasn't it? The weather was just perfect!! I don't want ot hink about 90 degrees by Wednesday. The phlox seems extra pretty this year!

  2. The pool looks great. I miss having one in the backyard. We had one in Arizona. Glad your week is off to a good start. I love the counted cross-stitch and think your son will too! Have a good week.

  3. The cross-stitch looks lovely framed and will be a wonderful addition to your son's new place. I've seen all the lovely shades of phlox on my walks, but haven't seen Queen Ann's lace yet. I will have to keep an eye out as it's one of my favorites!

  4. I have a few cross stitching projects that have been ongoing for a few years now, I won't say how long - too long.

    The phlox and Queen Annes Lace looks lovely. We call it Cow Parsley here in the UK, it's just going over now but we have enjoyed weeks and weeks of our roadsides and hedgerows looking just glorious with it all.

  5. Well, my weekend was spent, doing a lot of tv watching..... Not the fun kind.... But alleviated by the SpaceX Dragon flight.

  6. We, too, have had lovely non humid weather...so unusual for us, I don't know how to act!!! walks walks walks...with a bit of weeding thown in because as soon as that humidity hits, I'm an inside girl!!! Lovely knitting---as always! Do you 'harvest' on your walks? I found someone must have planted sweet peas years ago in an alley I wander through. I'd love to pick some, but hesitate. We simply don't see sweet peas nearly enough around here.

  7. We spent some time out at the pool while Little B swam around. Our weather is very hot and humid so we stayed in a lot too! Stay safe.

  8. Music Lover looks beautiful all framed up. Your floral pics are very pretty. Your knitting is wonderful. Our above ground pool has yet to be opened, but I don't mind as it is pretty cool here right now.

  9. Your cross stitch project looks fabulous. I would never know the red floss bled. That pool looks refreshing. I do love that pale pink cardigan.

  10. Your music sampler is wonderful, your secret is safe with me ;) I am glad to hear that the temperatures were bearable for you over the weekend, I hope it doesn't to hot for you too soon. We got our canoes out on Sunday and went for paddle on a local lake, the first time this year! It has been hard not to be able to do this with the wonderful weather we have had these past few months. We even managed a swim in the lake too, the water was cold but wetsuits made it bearable!

  11. Our weekend was lovely as well, we are feeling settled in to our new home and we're busy mulching gardens and hanging pictures. On Sunday my sister-in-law and niece came for a distance visit. My knitting is slow going but my embroidery is going well. : ). We have phlox blooming everywhere as well!

  12. It's always nice to finish a project after a hiatus. I have a few of those up in my knitting room that are waiting for me.

  13. I can't wait for the daisies to bloom. I don't think there are any planted here at my MIL's house but I LOVE riding down a country lane and seeing them on the edges of the road. The cross stitch looks great and no one would ever notice the bleeding.

  14. Great finish on your decades long project! GOOD FOR YOU. My weekend: added several inches to my shawl. :) Watered a lot of plants outdoors. Sunny!

  15. Yay for finished cross stitch. I love your pool. My girls would live in it all day every day. The color of your first WIP reminds me of those brightly colored coral in the sea.


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