
Another weekend has come and gone.  Time is flying by!  Can you believe we are half way through June?  I can't.  

I have some GOOD news!  My son and his girlfriend are engaged to be married at the beginning of the new year.  We are beyond thrilled to have her added to our little family.  He will be relocating to Indiana mid-July and my husband and I are helping with phase one of the move.  Lucky for me they have lots of friends to pick up boxes and go up and down three flights of stairs.

Onto my weekend:  

Saturday was delightful, I read a lot and knit a lot.  I've discovered that I am not a fast knitter when it comes to cotton yarn.  I finished the first sleeve and I'm working on the second sleeve.  I'd like to believe that the sweater will be done today but realistically that will not happen.

Our daily walks continue around our area.  The mornings were deliciously cold.  I'm an odd one who loves cold weather but hey, I know that July, August and September will be more than likely humid and hot.

Sunday I watched Mass on you-tube and did all of the household chores.  We are gearing up for some major landscaping around the pool and today the cement guy is coming to raise the pieces around the pool that have sunk/settled.  Once he is done, the landscaper guy is arriving later in the month to remove our retaining wall and make a boulder wall.  I am excited to see this be done!

Sunday I did a bit of watercoloring as well.  How was your weekend?


  1. your weekend was not unlike mine! a little walking, enough knitting to finish a project and start another, a little landscaping and rearranging in the garden with some muscle help from a grandson, and some photographing. Congrats to your son and fiance. You are getting pretty close to us in Indiana!! Muscleman Grandson heads there today for a baseball tournament.

  2. Congratulations to the kids!! That is exciting. The weather this weekend was just perfect for me. And your watercolor looks refreshingly cool!

  3. Congratulations to all as your son and his fiancee begin this exciting new stage in their lives! That is wonderful news, and maybe you need to knit a wedding shawl!

  4. Congrats on the engagement news! And I love that barn watercolor

  5. Wonderful news on the engagement , congratulations to you all. Loved the barn watercolour, you really are getting better each time you share one of your paintings. Another quiet weekend here with a little sewing and crochet thrown in.

  6. Hello and congrats on your son's engagement! Happy news indeed! I love your water colors. You are very talented.

  7. Very exciting news of a coming wedding. LOVE your barn art work.

  8. Congratulations on the engagement! Exciting! Another lovely watercolour. Sounds like just my kind of weekend!

  9. Your family is growing ! How lovely!!! I think you are correct about speed of knitting with cotton. Cotton does slow it all down a bit ,for me as well. I love the feel of cotton on my skin, though. I am sure you will love your pink sweater. Our weekend? Cooler than normal, lots of gardening accomplished. I seem more lonely for my grown kids on weekends. Families seem to be on boats together and in small park groups.

  10. Congratulations to your son and his fiance! What wonderful news. Your watercolor is very pretty. I really like that sweater also. I have yet to knit with cotton. We finally had a visit from our son this weekend. We haven't seen him in person since February. He has been alone in his one-bedroom apartment in PA since mid-March. He is happy to have some family time too, but he is wearing his mask most times just to be sure we are all safe.

  11. Wow! Love the barn! Such exciting news - congratulations to your son!

  12. Congratulations to you son and his girl friend and to the rest of the family. Weddings are such fun. Our weekend was quiet - church via live-stream, two morning walks on Sat and Sun, some knitting, some yard work and watering. Enjoy those cooler mornings. Summer has arrived in Nebraska and seems like the weather moves east. Oh -a milestone in venturing out - we drove through for a latte on Saturday morning. I should say, my latte. My husband doesn't like what he calls fancy coffee but is happy to drive through for me.

  13. Your watercolor looks awesome, Karen. Your new wall project sounds cool. Congrats on your son's engagement. Exciting.


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