
On Saturday we drove to State College to visit our son and future daughter in law for the afternoon.  We had lunch outside at a restaurant.  The weather cooperated with cloudy skies and coolish weather.  It was nice to see them, the days are counting down for when they relocate to Indiana.  

After lunch we walked around Penn State University's Arboretum.  I daydream about having a lovely garden like they do.  If only!  Some of the arboretum is under construction for a garden attracting birds.  My husband and I might have to return in a year or so just to see that.

Yesterday I did all the chores and found out that I'll be a Great Aunt again.  I'm thrilled to be knitting some baby items in the upcoming fall months.  How very exciting!  I'm will also be knitting a wedding shawl and so far it's looking like maybe, just maybe another citron?  We'll see.  

I knit a whole bunch while riding in the car, then ripped out a whole bunch once I was home.  I didn't care for the stitch design I was inventing.  So now I'm just doing plain ole stockinette.

How was your weekend?  


  1. Sounds like a lovely weekend! The arboretum looks lovely - I like all the statues (not the snake though - lol). Our weekend was relaxing and nice. A bit of knitting, some errands and we did get to see the kids on Friday night!

  2. How great to see your son and future dil for lunch, and I love your photos of the arboretum (including your masks)! I need to cast on for a baby blanket for a September baby, and I'm excited about your wedding shawl.

  3. What a wonderful weekend! Congratulations on your news! How wonderful to be able to knit baby knits again.

  4. Congratulations on your news, nice to be knitting baby clothes. So wonderful to be able to see your son and future daughter in law, I can't wait until we will be able to see our own family. Sounds like a wonderful weekend.

  5. Congratulations on the baby news! That is awesome! And, good luck to your son in his big move!

  6. That is wonderful that you got to spend sometime with your son future DIL. Looks like you had a wonderful time..
    And yay on more babies.

  7. I am very envious of everyone who can drive to see their kids! And now is the time to do it -- while we can socialize outdoors. I had no idea Penn State had such a lovely arboretum.

  8. Thanks for sharing your weekend ...mine was nowhere near as lovely or filled with such glorious views of nature... but it was nice and quiet and that I enjoyed.

  9. You have such a good looking family!!!!! The bison shot is great. I have done that before too, where I knit a bunch in a weekend and then rip it all out. I think of it as getting double duty out of the yarn, especially if I like the yarn. Current sock is now on its third pattern!

  10. What a lovely place! Have fun planning the baby knitting - I love making things for babies.

  11. How lovely the university has an arboretum. Fun metal statues to pose with.


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