Living in the Country

Hello! How has your week been?  I've been down a delightful rabbit-hole on the internet.  I have no idea why it happened but I was noodling around looking at art journaling and wow, I was inspired!  Down I jumped willingly and happily looking at journalling pages and ideas on Pinterest.  Of course there is the big question of 'do I need a new notebook or a notebook system?'.  

Do I need it?  No.  Does it matter? No, of course not.  I've admired Julian's notebook for some time and maybe just maybe I'll be following in her footsteps. 

Do you have a notebook system?

The butterflies in my yard continue to delight me.  They seem to be most active in the afternoon while my husband and I sit on the back patio talking about nothing.  (He's retired now, so no work talk).  Talking about nothing is wonderful.  I was going to make him a list of things to do around the house but I'll give hime a few weeks before shocking him.

We've walked a few times this week in the early morning enjoying the chill.  While we haven't worn a jacket yet, it's nice to be wearing a light sweater.  On Thursday morning we saw humans!  We rarely if ever see people on our walks since we live in the country.  I love living in the country and being enveloped in nature.  It's soothing to the soul.

Since March and the shutdown, I'm aware of the nuances of seasonal changes.  Lately the angle of the sun has shifted and nights are getting shorter and shorter.  In a month or so, we'll be closing up the pool.  How quickly time flies.  I'm eager for fall but late summer is beautiful.

I painted yesterday.  Later today I plan to do some more.  I try each time I paint to quiet my critical voice and enjoy the process.  I admire so many artists who put their work up for all of us to see and I love everyone's style.  I'm trying to let my style emerge and love my art journey.

Each evening I sit and knit alternating between the wedding shawl and the yellow shawl.  Both projects are delightful and engaging.  While working on either, I'm thinking of fall knitting and maybe a sweater?  It's nice to daydream and let my mind wander about.



  1. I'm glad to hear that you've been enjoying your late summer week with knitting, walks, and trips down rabbit holes. I can finally begin to see some signs of fall and I'm happy about it (even if all the dropping acorns are clogging the gutters).

  2. I don’t dare go near Pinterest for journaling ideas! I hope you will share your journal journey.

  3. I love notebooks. I keep 3 going at all times. One is for the books I read (so I don't duplicate ), another is for my projects I work on and the last is my daily journal which contains my to do list as well as memories of the day. Since I stink at art, I rely on stickers to decorate my notebooks .

    Living in the country has always been my dream. When you post photos of your area, I admire all the nature surrounding you. Your descriptions of the sounds around you is wonderful. Thank you for that.

    I hope you are enjoying your hubby's retirement. Just spending time together without any hard pressed schedule is so nice. Or it is for me and my hubby. Quiet moments outside watching the butterflies sounds quite enjoyable.

  4. I love rabbit holes on the internet, it has been a long time since I went on one of them, I don't seem to have the time for them these days, where does the time go I wonder?

    I have a diary and one notebook which I use for journalling, I write in it morning and night and am loving that practice. I have just thought I do have a nature journal too although I am a little more sporadic adding to that!

    I am so glad to hear that you enjoying your husbands retirement, I smiled when you mentioned the list!!

  5. Glad you and your hubby are enjoying his retirement. How nice! Walks in the early morning with cool breezes. I walked this a.m.. - 4 miles in Valley Forge Park. It was delightful. A benefit of working from home:)

  6. Rabbit holes can be so much fun! Beautiful knitting as always... have a lovely weekend (I am hoping we get some rain here!)

  7. I am a great fan of notebooks and use several, one for the poetry that I write, craft notes, bible journal and study, lists for shopping and craft projects....the list goes on. I have finally taken the plunge and bought some art materials to start painting. Enjoy retirement together.

  8. oH i need a new notebook!!! I love your shawls

  9. I love a good rabbit hole, and one with notebooks and art supplies sounds lovely!

  10. Oh those rabbit holes. I think enjoying your art and letting your style emerge as it will is the way to be. I have a journal for reflection and a loose leaf binder for knitting notes/labels. I keep a small blank book with a list of books read. Nothing very fancy but just what works for me.

  11. I like those grapes you painted. I have tried so hard to get into journaling with dot notebooks, etc, but man, I'm too anal about straight lines and appearance. I've given up for now.


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