Productively Unproductive


Guess what!  I finished the wedding shawl and it is blissfully blocking and drying in a spare bedroom.  The casting off took 3 hours. Phew!

I don't know what your weather is like but we are saying good bye to cool breezes and hello summer weather once more. Hopefully it will be a brief breeze by hello. I do like the cooler weather, I might think better and my knitting productivity goes way way up.

This week was kind of all over the place with scattered thoughts. I've had some minor stresses and that puts such a wrench in my day. Above all I chant 'this too shall pass' and realize that this moment is not going to be the ever lasting moment.

In these times I find just allowing myself not be so focused on productivity and trying and to be content with whatever I am doing while I'm doing it.

If I'm cooking or making dinner, I try to be present in that moment.  I'm not sure why but just allowing a day to be non-productive is productive!  I feel renewed.

I love this time of year for photographing.  The leaves never look the same as they turn year to year.  Today I noticed the maple tree in the backyard that is slowing turning a brilliant shade of deep gold.  

As always thank you for visiting and reading this space.  


  1. Congrats on finishing the shawl! We only had one cool early morning early this week and then right back to blazing hit. Your photos are gorgeous!

  2. Congratulations on completing the shawl! Those beads just glow and look really lovely. It's very foggy here this morning but it's predicted to burn off with warmer temperatures. Boo - I want fall back again!

  3. I can't wait to see the finished shawl! What a lucky bride. : ). I had a week much like yours and have learned to do the same as you; I just give myself a break for the day and say 'All will be well...'. It's my mantra during this crazy time. Warm weather has returned here as well and I am hoping it is short lived! xo

  4. After a three hour bind off, you deserve a little non-productive time. Being present in your daily activities, no matter how 'normal, is what we all need at times. Helps to keep us grounded.

  5. Congratulations on finishing your's gorgeous...we've been having cooler rainier weather hopefully fall is on the way...I'm sure we'll have a spate of warm days still...but the leaves have taken on that slightly darker/drier green of late late summer...and a few are already turning...
    ~Have a lovely day!

  6. Three hours wow that is a long cast off, really looking forward to seeing your finished shawl. The whole notion of productivity is an interesting one isn't it, I think I might have written about it before. I think we are rather conditioned to link productivity to a finished item that you can see and feel, rather than things that are more intangible but are still productive. It can be both for me!

  7. That peek at your wedding shawl is beautiful. Looking forward to seeing it in its entirety!! Being in the moment I find to be filled with grace. Have a wonderful weekend!

  8. Wonderful about the shawl! I have had some stress too, but with God's help we can navigate it 💗

  9. Yay for finishing that gorgeous shawl! I, too, hope this return to summery temps is very brief! Happy weekend!

  10. Wow! Three hours to cast off, I am very impressed! I find I slip into autopilot when I’m tired. I try to stay in the moment, sometimes it’s not easy.

  11. WooHoo! The shawl is finished. Can't wait to see it in its blocked form. I am sitting here wishing the AC was on. It is hot again here also. Enjoy the weekend.

  12. Such an impressive shawl, made with love and will surely become a family heirloom, it is gorgeous.

  13. Such a beautiful shawl and great autumn pictures. Have a good weekend.

  14. Such a beautiful shawl! And I love your fall pictures. This year it feels harder to skip fall than the past few years. I guess this year everything feels harder...

  15. I look forward to seeing that gorgeous shawl blocked and finished! It is a work of art and a labor of love. I am sorry life has been a little stressful lately. I think staying in the moment and letting go of productivity is an excellent way to cope. Sometimes we just need to be.

  16. Congrats on the shawl. Can't wait to see it blocked. We have returned to warmer weather too. Fall is coming though - I woke up yesterday to a while branch full of yellow leaves outside my window. The day before, they'd all been green but that one branch changed overnight. Weird, but exciting! :)

  17. OH that wedding shawl! Its a masterpiece already. Take the time you need to do nothing or something. Whatever works for you.
    Thanks for your honesty . Its a tough time

  18. That wedding shawl looks beautiful.. those beads are such a beautiful detail.
    I'd like to keep the weather in the late 60 - 70's for a couple for weeks.. I don't want to heat of the summer but I am not ready for the fifties either.

  19. Oh man, we are having another heatwave this week. Yesterday it was in the high 90's. Today low 100. Another fire is way up in the wine country. I could smell smoke in the air this morning.


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