

My weekend is still going on since it's Labor Day weekend, however I decided to pop in here and do a quick posting.  How are you?  We've been pretty good.  This weekend has been ultra chill filled with morning walks now that the heat and humidity have ebbed away.  It's been nice to be out and about feeling cold my only whimper is the fall allergies!

On Saturday morning I heard the Canadian geese for the first time, they honk to tell me of things to come.  

After my first week of September, I've managed to stay mostly on task with my creative goals.  Knitting and reading always happen daily no matter what. The sketching and watercoloring are currently set at three times a week (I'd like more often than that).  

the moon this morning

Since the weekend  is still going strong, we might take a country drive.  He wants to show me his local bike routes on secondary roads that take you up and down some hills (mountains) to places I've never been.  I'm all for it!  When we first dated we would take a country road and see where it would lead us.  No GPS back then and if we were truly lost we pulled out the paper map...it was a lot of fun.

How was your weekend?


  1. I've heard the Canada geese several times, and their honking and V-formation are welcome sights and sounds. Those socks are really lovely!

  2. I'm with you on that allergy thing....and since we've cooled down a bit, I have less to complain about!! (hee hee...it's just the ticks, mosquitoes and allergies for now!!!) The morning light is just a bit lower and I'm finding I want to run out with my camera to catch it...still trying to adjust all the morning routines so this can happen. Shira is pretty stuck in her ways and morning is definitely HER time not mine!!! Fall is near....and I'm happy dancing.

  3. Oh Fall, my favorite season! Labor Day weekend thus far has had moments of fun and moments of dread! The heat, smoke, ash falling from the sky, (no birds flying here), and heat.....go away! But snow is on the way tonight! YaHoo!!!!!!!

  4. Now that your husband is retired, weekends can seep into the week as you figure out new routines. Enjoy

  5. Sounds like a nice, relaxing weekend. I love that fall is coming and the temperatures are cooling down. Enjoy Labor Day and I will see you again soon!

  6. Not the best weekend for us. But, we have found things to bring us joy amid our sadness. ( My BFF had to euthanize her sweet, kind, loving dog) Today is my last day of calm as I start teenager and dog duty tomorrow for a week. Waiting for our weather to go below 100 so I can enjoy mornings outside. Your Canadian geese usually show up here in November. I love to watch them fly in their V formation.

  7. I love the sound of your trips out, that sounds like my kind of journey! I hope you had fun today.

  8. I have not heard any geese yet, but I have been listening for them! I love your painting :)

  9. ...this weekend was the first cool weather we've had since May...I think...and I am so looking forward to fall...
    ~Have a lovely day!

  10. My weekend was much like yours. A walk with friends (masked). Knitting. Reading. Relaxing.

  11. It sounds like a lovely weekend! It's not cool here yet, though we are supposed to have a cold front later this week. They keep changing the forecast and making it warmer though, so we'll see if it happens. I love seeing your watercolors, the detail added in the second picture really makes that building pop.

  12. Love your painting and your sock. Your weekend sounds lovely. I have been seeing V's of geese in the sky a few times a week. I love seeing and hearing them.

  13. Well, it is funny because all of you have been so creative with paints. SO I completely out of the blue, ordered a paint by number for my husband to work on. He will balk. HE will say he cannot do art. But I want him to try as the weather gets colder and we are inside more.

  14. Your painting is lovely. The sock is coming along. The weekend here was vey warm so we hung out in the air conditioning but today, Tuesday, is very cool - like sweatshirt and jeans weather.

  15. I suck at biking up hills. I always forget how to use my gears.


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