Fantastic Day

Miracles of miracles, my photos uploaded in the order I wanted, does this foreshadow a fantastic day? I believe so. How are you? How is your October going? We have been enjoying the colors and the change of seasons. We have walked nearly every day and now I'm just waiting for this pesky warm up to disappear so we can go back to chilly days and romantic dreams of wearing wool.

After many days of sleepless nights, I slept so nicely last night. I would love every night to be like that but I will be grateful for last night. 

I ordered another planner that should be coming next week. This planner will hold my appointments, budgeting and boring mundane tasks that come with life. My current planner that I bought is more of a creative tracking planner. I list daily gratitudes, do a bit of art journaling and keep track of my knitting and art habits.

Of course, along with a new planner is a new fountain pen, and along with a new fountain pen is new ink. It's a slippery slope my friends. All too soon I'll be doing some yarn shopping for some gift exchanges and I'm sure I'll be buying for myself as well. The holidays are creeping up!

water = watch!
My sister's sweater is finished. I'll be blocking it sometime today. I'm now back to knitting the baby blanket. Over the weekend I need to decide what will be on my needles next.

Thank you always for reading this space. Hello! to new readers and I treasure all of my regular readers. I hope you all have a relaxing weekend.



  1. Your Fall days look so beautiful! I too am in a little to no sleep pattern and hope it doesn't last long!

  2. Congratulations on finishing your sister's sweater; it was a true labor of love! I'm also in a no sleep/sleep pattern, so it might be time to up my melatonin. I don't function well at all on too little sleep!

  3. Beautiful colors and I love your sketching. Happy weekend

  4. That didn't take you long to finish the sweater. You are a marvelous sister. Pretty soon the baby blanket will be completed and then what will appear on your needles next?

    I ordered the Catholic Moms planner for 2021. It has arrived and I am quite pleased with it. It is not strictly for women with children at home. It will be perfect for this empty nesting grandma too. Lots of interesting stories, recipes, and quotes in it. Looking forward to getting started using it.

  5. Beautiful pictures. Looks like your week was nicer (prettier) than ours. Ours was mostly foggy and damp! Congrats on finishing your sister's sweater - now on to something new!! Looking forward to seeing what you decide to make.

  6. I'm with you...just when I was really looking forward to some great sweater weather we were slammed with 80 degree temps again. So...I wore my sweaters anyway and was HOT.

  7. It's so pretty there....the leaves are just starting to change here...
    ~Have a lovely day!

  8. Beautiful photos! So glad you got a good night's sleep and that your photos loaded in the right order. Have a fantastic weekend :)

  9. I hope your day has continued to be fantastic!
    Like you, I'm waiting for the resurgence of warm days to go away!
    I know about that slippery slope you mentioned ;) Have fun with all of it...

  10. Very lovely! I'm so glad you had a good day! I love being creative to it's such a joy and feels so good! Have a blessed weekend!

  11. New pen and ink is just the best! Have a great weekend!!

  12. A new planner, a new pen, and ink sounds like a treat indeed. Such pretty fall photos. I never tire of fall. The colors are still gorgeous here but the temperature has dropped and a wintry mix of rain and snow are in the forecast tomorrow. Hooray for the finished sweater. I have four more long rows on my daughter's shawl. Tonight the end is in sight.

  13. here's to blue skies, lists, and all the slippery slopes! (and also to finishing black sweaters!)

  14. Ah yes slippery slopes, all too easy to head down those isn't it. I do hope you got your cooler temps x

  15. I like seeing the autumn colors in your neighborhood.


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