Soaking Up Autumn


How's your week been?  Mine was somewhat busy and a little bit stressful. I decided to bundle a lot of my errands and tasks on Wednesday just so I could cross off a huge list, instead of every single day having a dribbling effect of going somewhere or doing something. So my Wednesday was full but I was quite productive.

We've been going on daily walks, where I soak up the autumnal changes, I'm afraid I'll blink and the colors will be completely over. The maple trees are in peak colors right now and the oak trees are starting to drop leaves. There's a mini warm up predicted for the weekend and then hopefully we are back to light jacket wearing. I've got some plans in my head for some aimless car rides on back roads in the next few weeks. 

Frodo continues to act like himself and chases Holly whenever he gets a chance. It's nice to not be worrying about him as much as I was over last weekend.

My husband and I have been watching all the Marvel movies in the order they were released during the past few weeks. I have seen Iron Man previously that is it! I LOVE how mindless these movies are for me, I am pleasantly entertained and enjoying the worlds in which they are built. My favorite superheroes so far are Captain America for his honesty and forthrightness. I also like Iron Man for his sarcastic comments (I'm sarcastic too!). My husband loves Thor, go figure...I guess we will stay married for now.

Retirement cohabitation is agreeing with us. We've fallen into a semi-schedule and spend time together throughout the day. He's been drawing and exploring pastels. I'm trying my best to stick to my knitting goals and reading goals.

On Wednesday morning, I went to get lab work done and the lab tech lady has many many cartoons and quippy passages posted up on her door and walls. I snapped a photo of the new one, the message really spoke to me and I keep re-reading it and thinking about the message.


  1. Enjoy fall! Very few trees have changed here in MD, and I will see if any changes have begun in NJ this weekend. The temperatures of 80 degrees certainly don't say fall yet!

  2. What a great list. We watched the Marvel movies in a different order this summer. Not by release date but by the story flow. My husband found a list and it moves along with the story, so something mentioned in one movie leads to the next. It was really interesting.

  3. I love this list, it needs to be framed. Such a good reminder in these troubled times! I'm so glad you are getting out to enjoy the fall colors, though a bit envious. We don't get color like the mid-west/east, but this year its even difficult to sit outside due to air quality from the fires, this week being horrible. As #4 says, 'things get better with time", Im going to hang onto that today.

  4. Autumn is just now thinking of arriving here. We actually will be below 100 today. Hallelujah! Hubby and I did the Marvel movies in order about 1 month into lockdown. Our son and his family are doing it now. After this, go for Guardians of the Galaxy. Lots of sarcasm in those too. So glad Frodo is being Frodo. Also happy to hear you two have settled into a semi routine of retirement cohabitation.

  5. It looks so nice there...wishing it were more fall-like here...yesterday we were back in the 80s after several days of cooler weather...
    ~Have a lovely weekend!

  6. "Overthinking will lead to sadness" Thank you for that one. Im saving it

  7. Glad you are able to get out and about a little and enjoy the beauty that surrounds you. Autumn is such a beautiful time of year with the changing colour. So glad hubby is enjoying retirement and that you are getting into a routine of hobbies and together time.

  8. The maples are at peak color here, and it is just glorious!
    I didn't think you'd have much trouble settling into retirement together.
    And I love that list. I'm stealing it from you!

  9. That's a great list! I love it. I love how you describe doing something everyday, the dribble effect, that is so apt! Like you I do everything in one day, it is more exhausting but it stops that dribble effect, love it!

  10. The profile picture of Frodo is nice. He looks so distinguished! That list is a good one to live by. Sometimes I think that I need to have some of those thoughts tattooed on my hand!
    Retirement cohabitation goes on in this house as well.

  11. Fall is the season that I love the best and I really wish I could just make time stand still to be "stuck" in the beauty of the season! ;)

    I hope your blood work is good and that your weekend is excellent!

  12. I'm saving your list, it is such a good reminder! I am loving this autumn weather, I spend as much time outside as I can! 🙂 It sounds like you and your husband have fallen into a nice routine. Our lives have been a little chaotic because of all the visitors we've had since COVID - we now have the next few weeks to ourselves and, hopefully, we will fall into a routine as well.

  13. I haven't really been outside so I haven't seen too much of autumn; however, the air is in the 50's in the morning so that is certainly a change, although, we're heating back up to 90 this week. I really hope this is the last of hot weather.

  14. Comic book super heroes were never my thing and my daughter forced me to see the first Thor movie when it came out. I have been a Huge Marvel fan ever since. Still not a fan of the comics but I LOVE the movies! Thor is my man and I like Iron Man for his sarcasm too.

  15. What a great list and a good reminder that eventually life will get better. We are having a beautiful fall - no early frosts. This afternoon temps of 73 degrees and a bit breezy. It' supposed to be cooler tomorrow. I was thinking that early fall is giving way to true October fall. Glad you are both settling into retirement. It must have been the right time.


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