

How was your weekend? Mine was a mixed bag of sorts. Just so you know, Blogger insists on uploading my photos in the wrong order and I've given up fixing them.  Does it matter? I'm not sure! I've contacted them numerous times and I don't think they care or it isn't a high priority for them. Also free is free, you get what you pay for.

Anyways, Saturday was a beautiful day, we drove to a neighboring town via back roads and drank in the fall foliage that is slowly emerging. I don't want to miss it!  We had the best bagel sandwiches ever for lunch outside while the weather permits. I think hunger makes everything taste good these days.

We walked around the town and then headed home.

Yesterday was stressful. Frodo started a cough Saturday night and coughed the whole night through. I just don't know how I did babies-toddlers-preschoolers back in the day. I was extremely exhausted yesterday morning! Anyways we took him the a 24/7 emergency vet hospital who said it was a mild case of kennel cough.  His lungs and heart sounded good and he had no fever. That made me feel less worried.

They gave him two shots, one for cough suppression and one sedative/anti inflammatory then told me to watch him. He was knocked out loaded all day yesterday. So much for monitoring a dog who is sleeping the entire day. (more stress)

Today he ate his morning treat and has gone back to bed. I'll be calling the regular vet to touch base and see what she says about the treatment and the medicine I brought home for cough suppression. He seems less loopy today and can walk a straight line.

Even though the weekend had some crazy twists and turns, I managed to get to the heel of the second green sock. This week is busy and I need to plot out all that I want to do!

How was your weekend?


  1. Sorry to hear about Frodo, hope he is doing better!

  2. I'm with you on blogger photos, in fact I don't like the new blogger at all. If only migrating to a different platform wasn't such a big deal. I hope Frodo is much better and you have less stress!

  3. Blogger has upset me as well. Used to be I could upload several photos and then pick them as I wanted to use them. Now, if I don't put them all on the blog post at once, they dissappear and I have to re-upload them again. Other than that, I have figured put the new set up.

    I sure hope Frodo is on the mend. Our oldest dog had kennel cough and was on antibiotics for 10 days. It changed the sound of her bark and to this day she still coughs when she drinks water. It us nasty stuff. Luckily our other pup did not get it.

    Your green sock is moving right along. Did you take it with you on your autumn journey this past weekend?

  4. Sherman had Kennel Cough a couple of years ago... yes, it is stressful! I hope sweet Frodo is feeling better soon! (and I prescribe a couple of extra cups of tea for you today!) (and blogging photo order does not matter at all!)

  5. Echoing others - I hope Frodo is doing much better. And more tea for you is a great idea! cute, cute photo of Holly. I just had a (small) salad for lunch and am drooling over your bagel sandwich. It looks SO GOOD!! Did you see much color foliage-wise? Fletch and I were thinking of driving North one day, but we are not sure how much color there is yet. My weekend was filled with beautiful people and memories as you already know!

  6. So sorry that Frodo isn't feeling well. I have found that I have to add my photos one at a time now. Very frustrating. It looks like you had a fun weekend....except for Frodo's illness.

  7. Poor Frodo. Poor you! Hope things are better today (and maybe both of you can get some good rest). For sure you both need to get outside and enjoy the fantastic weather!

  8. Right there with you on the blogger issues...and my cat is giving me fits :-/.

  9. My weekend was not as eventful. The thought of an Autumn drive sounds Wonderful. I think that I'll put that on my near future agenda. Hope your pup gets better soon.

  10. ugh oh Frodo! GEt well soon!!!!!! OUr weekend was with Al and Will in Oklahoma City. LONG drive there and back. 12 hours each way. BUt they look great . It was worth it. I sobbed sunday night. I never envisioned my kids living permanently so far away. I need a counselor. its time. our Cubs are out. Baseball sootherd this COVID minded blogger. I also bought new yarn!

  11. I hope Frodo is feeling better today. I know - how did we every cope with toddlers and preschoolers with their ups and downs. It is nice that you got out for the day. Autumn is the most wonderful season of all.

  12. I'm glad that Frodo is on the mend! I love doing day trips this time of year, the leaves are so gorgeous. Our weekend was busy with visitors; Michelle left to return home to DC, Mary and Dan arrived to drop off Jack the cat on their way to Vermont, and my mother-in-law is here for a visit. I spent part of the weekend planting daffodils and the rest visiting with family. I hope this beautiful weather continues!

  13. I hope Frodo gets better soon. How lovely to view fall foliage and those sammies look tasty.


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