So Much Snow


Well we received about 15 inches of snow and it took my husband half a day to clear the driveway and a spot for Frodo.  I am thankful that the electricity stayed on, they weather forecasters were predicting high winds and for us that did not occur.  Phew!

I've been busy knitting and reading as well as listening to podcasts.  I continue to meditate daily managing my stress.  I consider the meditating a way to fill my 'bucket'.  

I've also been sketching out how I want my Christmas day to look like since its a simplified Christmas without family or friends. We usually watch many Christmas movies leading up to the big day but this year we are thinking of doing a Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter movie marathon.  Something different and non-sentimental.  What are your plans?

I continue to make progress on the baby blanket and my sweater.  Both are thoroughly enjoyable and I love how I am 'in the moment' whenever I work on either one.  I cannot imagine my life without knitting!  It has accompanied through smooth times and turbulent times.  So while the actual knitting keeps me calm I end up with a finished object that I either give to others as an extension of my love or I keep for myself to brighten my days.

Stay warm my friends!


  1. Too much snow, but my SiL lives in Tioga County PA and they got over 2 feet. Glad your husband had a snowblower to clear it. I know everyone has their own hobbies, but I've often wondered how people cope if they don't read and knit. They make my life much richer and more enjoyable, and it sounds like that is the case for you, too.

  2. We do a Lord of the Rings marathon on Thanksgiving weekend and I love it. We have done the Hobbit series after Christmas but Harry Potter would be a good one too.

  3. That is a lot of snow. I wish we would have had a snow blower when we lived in PA and in KS. Shoveling is such hard work no matter the age.

    Knitting and crocheting are part of my daily meditation. Once the yarn falls between my fingers, I slow my mind down and listen.

  4. I'm so jealous, we love snow here in Colorado and we have seen little thus far this year. Your Christmas plan sounds great! Enjoy.

  5. Love the picture of Holly! You got a bit more snow than we did (thinking we got 6-8"). I was busy work-wise, so was in all day Wed & Thursday and also so far today (Friday). I hope next week is a little less frantic work-wise. Trying (HA!) to finish the little kitty socks for Mailing.

  6. Wow Karen, that's a lot of snow!! Sure glad you didn't lose electricity. I like your idea of the movie marathons. Enjoy the weekend :)

  7. Hi Karen - you really got dumped on in the snow department. My sister lives near Albany, New York and she said they got over 3 feet. Wow. I love your knitting projects. See you again soon. :-)

  8. I am absolutely green with envy. The cross county skiing out your way must be amazing!
    I also love snow days and staying inside.

  9. What a lot of snow. Hooray for power that stayed on and high winds that did not blow. I agree with you, I can't imagine this pandemic without knitting and reading. I think hobbies are part of a rich life.

  10. Holly is gorgeous. I just came from Deb's site and her HERBie is a neat coloring light as Holly!!!
    That is a lot of snow. When the snowblower can only get through an inch or so ,its awful. I love your knitting.

  11. My goodness that is a lot of snow. We have a couple of Christmas jigsaws ready but haven't planned our TV viewing yet.

  12. We got a good bit of snow as well! And although our driveway is not as long as yours, it took Steve a good bit of time to move all of that snow! I like your Christmas Day Movie Marathon idea! :)

  13. That is a lot of snow! Holly is the cutest! I like your cozy set up in your Living room. I agree, knitting is such a good stress reliever and also fun to do. I am so glad I started as well. I have been working on meditating again I just do around 6 mins in the morning for now and will increase time as I build the habit it is so good. Your plan sounds great for Christmas! It will be fun to do something different this year. Take care!

  14. The snow looks very festive from down here in Florida. I meditate every day, I try so hard to manage my stress but fell until I retire I am going to have a hard time of it. Still I try very hard to appreciate small moments when things go well. Stay safe.

  15. Wow, over a foot of snow. That's amazing. Fun to see cute Holly. I've been teaching Minnie to "sit" and to "up" with treats.


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