

How was your weekend?

Yesterday my in-real-life knitter friends had our annual Christmas exchange. We met in a driveway and socially distanced while dropping off our gifts for each other while wearing masks.  We have not all been together since March. Later in the afternoon we zoomed and opened them. It was fun to do an annual tradition no matter what.  Look at all the goodies I received!

The weekend sped by.  I spent most of the day yesterday doing laundry and wrapping the kids presents so I can get them shipped today.  I'm curious to see how much this is going to cost! But then I am saving tons of money on gas and traveling, right? 

I believe I am done with shopping for the two of us and I have only a few more gifts to wrap up. Overall our Christmas is simplified and that makes planning so easy.

I also did daily sketching, knitting and reading.  I'm stuffing my days with what brings me joy.

How was your weekend?


  1. How fun that you were able to hand off the exchanges and then Zoom to open. I like that idea. We had some amazing weather for early December so it was a lovely weekend here too.

  2. That sounds like a good way to have your knitters' gift exchange! Your pinecone watercolor is lovely. I just got back from sending Ryan's gifts through the post office. I sent a large and a medium flat rate box, and it seemed like the prices had increased even since October. But it's not about the money, it's about getting our handknit gifts to our kids!

  3. Your weekend sounds amazing. I spent mine working on a shawl that I decided to add beads to. Very slow going but oh so pretty. Your exchange gift has so many pretties in it. How nice to be able to still have that little tradition. Even of it wasn't the way it was last year. Doing the things that bring you joy is very important at the present time. I too, am trying to keep that ideology in the forefront of my brain. Helps to keep my spirits up.

  4. It's so nice that you were still able to have your knitter friends annual Christmas exchange and zoom later, such fun! Your weekend sounds like it was pretty perfect. Mine was uneventful but that works for me. Have a great week!

  5. I finished shopping, so happy it is done. Spent time with a friend who just moved back to Florida, I wore a mask but helped unpack boxes for her as much as I could. It was nice to get lots done. Stay safe.

  6. My bookclubs are trying sort of the same thing...one is doing the book swap via porches and the other has done a secret santa swap for the three weeks leading up to christmas....each week you deliver a little something to your secret pal's porch. At least it's a reason to get out of the house!!!! We took our mailing packages to UPS and was totally shocked at how reasonable it was to ship everything. Hope you have the same good luck!!!

  7. Your knit group exchanges sounds like fun and I love your Alpaca My Bag. Your pinecone watercolor is fabulous!! I wrapped gifts to ship and will do that from my office some time this week.

  8. a lot of good things! what a nice time you had with the Christmas exchange! I handed out cookies yesterday at church (they took bagged cookies from my basket, I was double masked...) I am glad to do anything that is close to normal!

  9. Not too exciting here, but we did take some freshly baked sweet rolls to our kids. We were all wearing masks though.

  10. stuffing your days with what brings you joy...that's really wonderful, Karen.

    and I looooove how your IRL knitting friends kept your Christmas exchange alive...very awesome.

  11. Sounds like a fun gift exchange. I have let Amazon do the packing and shipping this year. It's not as personal, but it is easier and less expensive so I think online shopping will be my new Christmas normal. Hope you have a good week. See you again soon.

  12. I love "stuffing my day with things that bring me joy"... I am going to do that myself this week!

  13. Your snowman is so cute with the little split hat and scarf.

  14. Carrying on the gift exchange is a good idea. We do find the work-arounds. I always figure that the postage of sending packages is just part of the gift. I do think the price keeps going up and I should know, I send a lot of packages. Your watercolor is lovely. Yes to doing the things that bring us joy.

  15. It’s great you were able to keep up the tradition of the gift exchange. I think I’m finished mailing all the gifts to my family and friends. Now I need to wrap the ones for us.

  16. Oh I love to see folks succeed during Covid while being safe and careful. I like your skein of orange yarn and the Alpaca!!!


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