Knitting Rules

Not to brag, but we are on day three of blissful sunshine! It's funny to me that when there are endless days of cloudiness I long for some sun. Then when there is brilliant sunshine, I'm like a vampire squinting away wondering why the sun is so painfully happy. Don't worry, sunglasses cures my squinty-ness. It's a wonderful problem to have and I'll take the sunshine. Not only are we on day three of sunshine but we will have three days in a row of a daily walk. The roads are dry enough and getting my wiggles out is the best medicine. We continue to have snow everywhere but it is slowly melting away. I've been doing lots of journaling this past week. I picked up some snail washi tape at an art store a few towns away that I thought was delightful. I'm not fond of snails but I am when they are on washi tape. I've been enjoying winter, it's my favorite season but I'm looking forward to a thaw and the arrival of springtime. I thought I'd so yo...