Knitting Rules


Not to brag, but we are on day three of blissful sunshine! It's funny to me that when there are endless days of cloudiness I long for some sun. Then when there is brilliant sunshine, I'm like a vampire squinting away wondering why the sun is so painfully happy. Don't worry, sunglasses cures my squinty-ness. It's a wonderful problem to have and I'll take the sunshine. Not only are we on day three of sunshine but we will have three days in a row of a daily walk. The roads are dry enough and getting my wiggles out is the best medicine.

We continue to have snow everywhere but it is slowly melting away. 

I've been doing lots of journaling this past week. I picked up some snail washi tape at an art store a few towns away that I thought was delightful. I'm not fond of snails but I am when they are on washi tape. I've been enjoying winter, it's my favorite season but I'm looking forward to a thaw and the arrival of springtime. 

I thought I'd so you my hat progress because my sweater progress hit a bump in the road. I accidentally followed the wrong size while doing the short row today I'll be ripping out at least 3-4 hours of knitting. I set this sweater aside more than a day ago so I could discern my decision. I originally thought 'well one size smaller would be okay' but then upon more thinking the short row shaping would not be centered - grr.

I have TWO knitting rules:

-put the project in a 24 hour (at least) time out if you aren't sure of what you want to do

-NEVER make a major ripping out decision after dinner time (my mind is fresh in the mornings)

Frodo is looking extra fluffy these days. The groomer left more hair since he shivers so much in the winter. He looks unkempt but I still love him so much.


  1. Those are wonderful knitting rules! I have a corollary to Rule #1 for myself: don't let the time out extend past 72 hours, or you may never pick up the project again. Bright mornings with lots of light and a fresh mind are the best time to rip out. Enjoy the sunshine and blue skies!

  2. What a gorgeous photo of the blue skies and snowy ground. To me, that is a perfect winter day. The hat is so nice with all the colors in it. Sorry to hear about the timed put sweater. That will be a lot of frogging but so well worth it when you go to wear it. Frodo is handsome no matter the haircut. I have always been drawn to schnauzers. Their personalities are amazing.

  3. Ah, Frodo is so cute. Not unkempt at all! I agree with your knitting rules. Sorry about your sweater, but you know best. Aren't these sunny days (and slightly warmer temps) just the best? Glad you have managed to get out and walk (I wish I had...).

  4. So glad you are getting some sunshine. It is discouraging to have to take out rows of knitting or crocheting. I recently had to do that with a crochet project I was working on. I always enjoy seeing your art journaling. Have a good weekend.

  5. That's a good idea about putting the project on hold for a bit...but you probably made the right decision about the size...
    ~Have a lovely day!

  6. Sounds like beautiful weather! I'm glad you have been able to get out for your walks again. I love your journaling and very smart on your knitting rules. If you think Frodo looks unkept you should see my Beefy boy, he's WAY overdue for a grooming! Have a great weekend Karen :)

  7. This is why I don't ever do short rows, they are always trying to trip you up. Can I borrow that sweet fluffy boy? He is adorable. Stay safe.

  8. That is a beautiful hat.
    I agree with your knitting rules. Very wise.
    We've also had sunny weather, which is so very cheering!

  9. Sunshine is a balm for the soul. And so is walking. I feel so much better and sleep better when I have been able to walk. You have some good knitting rules. I think the wait for 24 hours is one I will adopt. I don't make major decisions about knitting after about 7:30 p.m. but sometimes get impatient for a fix of any description.

  10. So glad you are getting some sunshine, it makes a great difference to your spirits. Love the photo of the sun on the snow, it looks so very pretty. So glad you have been able to get out for a walk. Love the knitting rules, makes perfect sense. Nice to get a glimpse into your journal, I love that you have used watercolours on the next page. Gerard and I are still having fun with the poetry, I have started to write some of the better ones out and have illustrated a few. Have a great weekend.

  11. Frodo is gorgeous. I love your rules. I did not rip last night and feel I can now carry on. In a new direction, but still. I should go out for a walk before we get some big winds going outside. We still have a lot, and I mean a lot of snow on the ground. IT is shrinking and it is melting in odd shapes. Thankfully no ice storms. I've always hated March and I cannot wait for it to start tomorrow.

  12. Your fairisle work is impressive! Did you create that hat pattern? Timeout works for kids and knitting, right? That Frodo is a sweetie.

  13. What a beautiful, blue sky you captured. Ugh, I didn't start my journal again. The past, two attempts I ripped out because my perfectionist self was dissatisfied. However, I love seeing floofy Frodo and seeing him made me smile. Love the colorwork. Sorry you had a big oopsies. I'm trying out a Norwegian Knitting Thimble to see if it'll help my tendonitis; kind of does, but not 100%.


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