

My weekend was nice. I spent each day doing what I love - knitting - reading - painting. While winter is giving us another 3-5 inches of snow today (I'll believe it when I see it).  I'm enjoying the soft signs of Spring pushing it's way in. Look at that brilliant sun beam on my clock at 4:30 p.m.! What a treasure to behold. We went for a walk yesterday in the sunshine and I soaked it in. Life is good.

I've finished my cowl and it's getting a gentle soak, I can't wait to share it with you. How was your weekend?


  1. we, too, have settled in to the gentle flow of the weeks....and now months. And getting up to shineshine...and still having some late afternoon just gives me a much needed 'spring' boost!!! Can you believe that our 9" of snow just about all disappeared yesterday in our 50 degree day. I almost miss it!!

  2. Definitely enjoying the longer daylight hours...but...the sun's angle is just right to blind me while I am prepping foods for dinner - LOL I so love the color of your cowl. Beautiful knitting.

  3. I'm waiting for snow in MD, too. We're supposed to get 3-5 inches in just a few hours? Like you, I'll believe it when I see it!

  4. I love the color of that cowl and your sunny disposition!

  5. Spring is pushing its way into my world as well, one day snow and cold-next day high 50's. Still hoping for a couple of BIG spring snows here, we need the water! Love the color of that cowl, looking forward to seeing it after its bath.

  6. How nice to have the cowl completed. What will be next in your needles? Your weekend sounds so relaxing. I hope you got the snow you were expecting.

  7. So glad that you are getting some more sun. Sounds like you had a lovely weekend. Hope you week is good.

  8. Oooo! I can't wait to see that cowl! :)

    It was a lovely (but busy) weekend. I am happy it is Monday and I am back to my "normal routine"

  9. Hi Karen,
    ...I wish we'd had snow...but we had ice instead...but it made for a cozy rainy sort of weekend...lots of knitting and baking and remotely visiting with family and friends...
    ~Have a lovely day!

  10. Look at all that sunshine, beautiful! I'm glad you had such a nice weekend. I've been busy here on my deep cleaning and decluttering project. Not so much fun to do, but being productive feels great and it will be so nice to have it all done. Enjoy the week :)

  11. Enjoying the lengthening of the days and the little hints of Spring here and there. The days are merging into each other a little, I need a big project to focus on.

  12. Our weekend included a couple of walks that were not in the rain for once! Aside from that not too much exciting to report. I'm working on a x-stitch and a quilt and haven't done much knitting lately thanks to sore thumbs.

  13. I can't wait to be done moving and have relaxing weekends again! Can't wait to see your cowl!

  14. Well, still very much snow and wintery today. However, I was able to shovel today, and even in the wind, it felt WARM. THings are starting to melt. THere may be a forty degree day ...and it may be tomorrow. But, it is Still February. I LOVE your cowl!!!! I am knitting on small needles with cashmere fingering, but it is so soft, I just love it. I love your color though. Mine is rather washed out

  15. The warm cowl matches your warm spirit. The days do roll by. We are having some warmer temps - like 30's and 40's and they made walking quite enjoyable this weekend. Nothing new to report. ;-)

  16. There are little hints of Spring each day. I would love to see all the snow gone now though. Love the knitting.

  17. Beautiful.

  18. Your cowl looks great! We also got a good amount of snow, which I adore and have spent a fair amount of time hiking and sledding in. Much has melted today, as it reached 50 F in Ohio.

  19. I'm envious of your productive knitting. I may try again this week after taking two weeks off.


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