Knitting News


After my little knitting hiccup with following the wrong size when I did the short row shaping, then ripping out all of that hard earned knitting work, I am proud to report that I am back on track with my yoke pullover. I'm happy to be swimming in a sea of stockinette knitting. I do love simplicity and the rhythmic cadence I get into when knitting stockinette stitch.

My hat is also making slow and steady progress - I need to measure it and see how many more inches of the fair isle knitting I want to do before I do the crown shaping. Also I have to figure out the crown shaping. I charted out the fair isle pattern on a grid paper but failed to write any notes for the rest of the hat. 

What are you working on this week?


  1. You pick the best colors for Fair Isle! Both of your projects look wonderful.

  2. Pretty fair isle hat. Glad your sweater is back on track. Mindless stockinette knitting is such a lovely thing. I am doing dishcloths this week. Also mindless knitting.

  3. Your projects are moving right along and they look great! Of course no knitting happening here but getting lots of things checked off my project list already. :)

  4. Hi Karen,
    ...Your sweater and hat are going to be so pretty...
    ~Have a lovely day!

  5. I am impressed that you charted out your own fair isle for the hat. Both projects are beautiful. I am working on socks from scraps and I cast on a new shawl over the weekend.

  6. I've never taken the time to figure out the decreases on my fair isle hats so I maintain a good pattern... I take the lazy way out and just decrease with the main color! I hope you share your math technique...please!!! :)

  7. woohoo for getting back on track so quickly! (and not to wish you more winter, but I do hope you finish that hat in time to wear it)

  8. Both are beautiful! I'm working on a "We are knitters" cotton Selene scarf...I finished one and left it somewhere while we were on a trip to Gulf Shores 2 years ago.

  9. I an trying to figure out why my posts are blocked.

    1. Your posts are not blocked - just your email coming to my email. The comments are coming through just fine!

  10. Oh I just love all the color work. I like doing it too. I think my next pair of socks will be a pattern in a lovely book Allison gave me. They have small roses in just two colors going around the leg . You've inspired me.

  11. Is it crazy that it comforts me when I read that you also sometimes err when knitting? : ) I am currently still at work on the Magical Thinking un-poncho by Casapinka and realized that I had repeated two rows of stitching. Because they were tricky (for me) directions I decided to let sleeping dogs lie as I did not screw up the stitch count. The one thing knitting is teaching me is that I do not have to always be a perfectionist!

  12. I didn't know you were MacGuyverying this hat design! You go, Karen!


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