

How was your weekend? 

Mine was picture perfect - there was abundant sunshine and endless blue skies and slightly warmer weather. Today is going to be better than yesterday. I adore when Mother Nature gifts us with hints of things to come. I know you are thinking 'but Karen, you love winter'. I do love winter but this season I'm ready for a change and to be outside more.

Saturday and Sunday we walked down the dirt road that isn't a dirt road anymore but it was for a long time so the name has stuck. There are no signs of green but the creek is flowing and skunk cabbage is sprouting. The earliest beginnings of springtime.

Saturday, I read my Stephen King novel, The Outsider, in the afternoon. He is such a gifted writer! I wish I could read this at bedtime but I can't see the print with my junky cheapo readers that I use (I won't use my progressive prescription eyewear because I don't want to bend the frames from accidentally falling asleep - which I do every single night). That's where the Kindle comes in handy, I can make the font bigger and bolder to accommodate the cheap readers. 

I was swimming along the shaping of the hat crown when I figured out I wasn't doing it right. I will blame it all on Black Panther movie that we were watching on Disney +. I love when I make rookie mistakes, so humbling. 

I ripped out and started again.

How was your weekend?


  1. Yes, Spring has arrived! I got out for such a nice walk yesterday and am hoping to do so again today (once I get the sheets hanging on the line to dry). I don't think I've ever heard (or read someone saying) that they love making rookie mistakes!! LOL You have a great way of looking at things Karen!

  2. Gosh, I had forgotten about skunk cabbage. I remember seeing it all the time when flying in and out of the Philly Airport. Your weekend does sound perfect. Pretty soon all those tree in the dirt road will be full of lush green leaves. Offering lovely shade on your walks. Black Panther is such a great movie. I can see hiw a rookie mistake could be made while watching it. Have a lovely week.

  3. Me thinks you just love all the seasons for what they are. The purple flowers are beautiful. I'm glad you are seeing signs of spring. Have a great week Karen. :)

  4. I was just thinking I needed to take a walk along the creek to see if the skunk cabbage was sprouting! My weekend went by too fast with travel back and forth to MD and NJ and chores, but the nice weather made it bearable. The drive is much better when I don't have to worry about snow and ice!

  5. Blue skies, sunshine, here, too, but no crocuses in our yard. Yours are lovely!

  6. 80's, cloudless blue skies and everything budding! We had the joy of joining our youngest and her fiance for dinner and an evening visit to the AZ Sonoran Desert Museum. Sunday was a relaxing day of waiting for our delicious roast to finish in the crockpot for an early dinner. Thank you Skyline Beef in Utah for the most amazing roast!

  7. It was beautiful here, too, which made for good moving weather. We took many loads over to the new house.

  8. Its still a little cool here but things are looking up. Spring is feeling positive now that there is a change of colour across the moor and the machair comes to life. Love the knitting project.

  9. Beautiful pictures of spring in your neck of the woods. We had snow over the weekend and it was cold here today, but in my heart, I know spring is on the way! Have a good week.

  10. oh I LOVE how the colors all coordinate. and I can't wait to see how you incorporate that gorgeous crocus purple into a project!

  11. It's about the same weather here. I am grateful for a bonus day of warmth today! I u intentionally scrubbed the screened porch while my husband had his first bike ride of 2021!

  12. We had a fair amount of rain so lots of indoor time which was good for my quilting and knitting.

  13. Crocus are such a sweet Spring flower. Your hat looks so pretty. Knitting keeps me humble. I am also ready for Spring. I love the peek at your coffee table and journals.

  14. It was a beautiful weekend here as well (and today we have the nicest spring rain... soft, sort of warm, and it smells so amazing outside!) Oh... and I think I won the award for rookie knitting mistakes this week! :)

  15. I am so ready for spring to! I’ve been impatient for the daffodils to pop up and bloom and if the sun is shining you will find outside. 🙂

  16. Our weekend had flown by too fast.


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