Hello Goodbye


Hello to: daffodils and endless sunshine (for now) - to lunch salads and lighter meals - to sitting outside - to birds singing at the break of dawn - to spring cleaning (well sort of..) - to freshness and newness - to lighter knitting projects - to sketching something daily

Goodbye to: winter coats - wool wearings - darkness - winter days - writing a haiku a day (phew!) - to expectations and same old same old -sitting inside the house - snow (fingers crossed on that one)

How are you? 

This past week I've been bit with the spring time bug. I am soaking up these warm temps and even switched the fall/winter bedding to the spring/summer bedding. I had a window opened and the fresh smell permeated the entire room. Early spring is a good time.

I've been working exclusively on the above lace project. To be honest, my knitting mojo is minimal right now and I am completely at peace with that feeling. You and I both know that it's temporary. 

I was behind on so many tasks that this week was a big catch up week. I'm happy to report I am all caught up for now. I'm sure I'll be catching up again next week since a lot of my tasks are weekly tasks.

Frequently in the mornings when I snap a photo of the current sunrise I share the photo in a group text with my dad and my sister. My dad asked 'why is it always in the same place?'! Well that is the exact spot that I stand at with Frodo early in the morning. 

To me changing seasons make the photos look different and I think he was being funny. maybe.

What are you saying hello/goodbye to these days?


  1. I thought I'd be saying good bye to the woolens, but the fickle weather is taking a dive again next week and I think there will be some mornings that a sweater will be a most welcome companion!

  2. I'm saying goodbye to flannel sheets and hello to line-dried laundry. I love your practice of sharing your sunrise photo. What a nice way to say good morning!

  3. I'm another who loves your sunrise pictures. The flannel sheets are laundered and put away until next (late) Fall. I've been drying clothes on the line which I love. Practicing my archery - another love and making salads for the warm weather meals!! I still need to put woolen sweaters away until Fall and I need to take the heavy comforter off the bed and go with a lighter quilt. I'm loving the windows open at night (and all day)!

  4. Beautiful post as always Karen and beautiful sunrise shot too. We've been lucky still having perfect spring weather here, but it's sure to start getting hot soon.

  5. Hi Karen,
    ...we're saying hello to yellow pollen covering EVERYTHING...and hopefully goodbye to social distancing and two services at Church...
    ~Have a lovely day!

  6. Lovely! Time keeps speeding by, it's what is both a hello and goodbye!

  7. That is a beautiful sunrise. I am saying goodbye to my warm flannel jammies - too warm for them now. Will be saying hello to more people not wearing masks around here as our mask mandate ends here in Utah tomorrow. Hope you have a good weekend. :-)

  8. I was hoping to say goodbye to hats, scarves and gloves but then snow took us by surprise. The stove was also relit and there is a pan of soup cooking away. Lets hope it is just a small Mother Nature glich...

  9. After a few glorious days of spring, we are in the middle of a two-week cold and rainy spell. This, too, will pass. I can't wait to have coffee on our new deck!

  10. I always feel so serene after visiting your wonderful space here in blogland. Today I am thankfully saying good bye to bright sun as we are having another wonderful rainstorm. The bright sun in Florida gets so tiresome. Stay safe.

  11. Goodbye to distracted knitting and distracted living. I am so grateful we have had our vaccines. I am going to see my kiddos soon. Summer is a bit away, but that's okay. I'd order heat or thunderstorms if anyone is taking orders. I'm glad to read that you know your knitting will right itself. Its the pep talk I needed. Thank S!

  12. What a beautiful sunrise photo. Hello to sitting on the deck in the sunshine, shawl knitting, and bird song coming in the open window. Goodbye to red lentil curry and a heavy winter coat while walking.

  13. I am saying hello to "evening sunshine" (sunset is now after 8pm) and goodbye to my hat and mittens :-)

  14. Hello to Girls Tennis Season. Goodbye to less craft productivity.


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