Here and Now


I just love the mood of the above photo, I snapped it yesterday morning to capture the green sheen of spring arriving and afterwards noticed the sunrise trying its best to break through the clouds. Isn't it funny how you focus on one thing and one thing only and there are so many other elements when you expand your awareness.

As you can probably tell, I've been diligently living in the now and ignoring the 'what ifs' of the future, well, I am trying my best to live in the now. Witnessing nature definitely places me in the here and now and I find it soothing to embrace the change of seasons. I'm grateful I live in the northeast where there are four seasons to enjoy.

I took an eight month break from sketching daily and now that I am doing it once more, I am loving it. I see so much progress from when I first started the practice. I'm confident as I continue showing up and sketching, my skills will continue to improve. 

Now onto the Christmas stocking, I had enough yarn to only use one skein of red. I had less than 12 inches left. Talk about coming so close to losing yarn chicken, but the exhilaration I felt winning was exciting. All you knitters and crocheters know exactly what I am talking about.

I'm gearing up mentally to declutter my house. I haven't started yet but it's going to happen because I am writing lists of what areas need to be thinned out. We have closets to go through and the garage is packed with 'stuff' (his not mine...). It's time to jump into spring cleaning mode.

I hope you have a lovely weekend and thank you for visiting and reading. I enjoy your comments and friendships.


  1. What a sweet, sweet Hedgehog - love that sketch Karen! And your sunrise picture is so pretty - I see those same colors here. Like you, I'm thankful to live where we have 4 seasons...anything less would not please me. Good luck with the decluttering. The hardest part for me is getting Fletch to agree to get rid of stuff. A true hoarder!!

  2. I enjoy your photos focusing on nature! It's often a stretch to expand our awareness but it's a good thing to do. Best of luck with the decluttering and congratulations on your yarn chicken win!

  3. That morning picture is so pretty. We have so many trees that it is hard to get much of the sunrise or sunset. I need to get myself out of the neighborhood one of these days to catch that lovely light.

  4. Congratulations on winning the yarn chicken game. What a great sense of accompl6that must be. Your sketch is very good. I am in TX at my son's house. It has been raining for 2 days now. I am enjoying it as we only get about 10 days of rain all year in Arizona.

  5. Beautiful photos Karen and beautiful artwork too. Have a great weekend!

  6. Gorgeous photo, Karen! Good luck with decluttering; we did it last year, what an undertaking! You’ll feel so good when it’s finished!

  7. I love your sketching. I need to do more decluttering too. It can be a challenge to live in the here and now but it is an important focus when there are so many things to worry and be anxious about. After 16 years in Arizona, I am loving living somewhere that we have actual seasons. I don't even mind the snow and cold temps. Hope you have a lovely weekend.

  8. Whew! That game of yarn chicken was close. Congrats on winning. You are so right about focusing on one thing and missing others. The photo is beautiful. Have a good weekend.

  9. Karen, I think I need to take your advice. Lately, with things reopening and nothing straight with what comes next....Im really stressed. Do i go back to volunteering? Do I find something new?

  10. Hi Karen,
    ...what a cute hedgehog...and I'm happy that your stocking worked out for you...
    ~Have a lovely day!

  11. I just love your sketches and watercolors! Sometimes we need to focus on just one thing to really appreciate the beauty and magic of that. Right now our rose bushes are SO leafed out and filled with so many buds. I’m anxiously awaiting their blooms. What great luck that the yarn cooperated. I did a major purge of my office during Lent and it is such a liberating feeling. Have a beautiful weekend!

  12. Lovely photo and the sunrise is pretty too. I am also trying to live more in the moment and it is a good way to be instead of dwelling on the past or thinking too much of the future. Good you had enough yarn for the stocking! Lovely signs of spring and flowers blooming. I love this time of the year. Have a good week!

  13. I know the amazing feeling of winning at yarn chicken because so many times you don't! Enjoy your beautiful spring.

  14. I'm trying to get up earlier, LOL. Not successfull except on Monday.


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