Birch Leaf Shawl


I'm going to be honest with you, I loved knitting this shawl and I am planning starting another one this afternoon. The ease of the pattern and the super easy memorizable directions were perfect for where I am in my attention span these days. 

While knitting the bottom up triangle shawl (there is a side to side option), I fretted over how deep the triangle was, how silly. 

Blocking the shawl gave plenty of width and a nice sizable lace weight shawl. The yarn I used is mystery wool, it was hand dyed by a blogging friend who lovingly gifted it to me. I know it's 100% wool and that is it. I'm thankful for the thoughtfulness and generosity.

I haven't finished any projects in many months so this finished shawl made my week!

What are you working on this week?


  1. What a beautiful finish Karen! I love it. I'm curious...what color will your next one be. This one is such a rich color. I think I mentioned that I have some lace weight yarn, so I can give this a try, but first I need to finish socks and two other shawls! I don't seem to have a lot of time for knitting these days, but that should change in a couple of weeks when work goes back to a more normal pace (fingers crossed).

  2. That is just so lovely and a perfect color!

  3. Socks. Thick Mexican Sock yarn. But you have me thinking with that shawl!!! It is just so delightfullllll. The pink/red is gorgeous

  4. It is so beautiful Karen, great work!

  5. Great finish and such a pretty color! I need to check our that pattern.

  6. Hi Karen,
    ...your shawl turned out gorgeous...I'm still (slowly) knitting the second grey trouser sock...but also working on the Bride Doll Project...
    ~Have a lovely day!

  7. That is a stunning shawl. I'm surprised to hear that it's easy because it looks complex and difficult. I'm still working on my Noncho. It's a super simple knit.

  8. oh Karen, it's lovely! Maybe a while between finishes, but this one is worth the wait!

  9. A solid finish. Oh boy, I have knitted and ripped back this section of short rows three times! My left elbow started acting up. I finished the section and put on my titanium bracelet afterwards.

  10. What a beautiful shawl. I love a leaf motif. Sometimes like you I worry about the silliest things. I'm glad you are pleased with the shawl size.


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