Bring Joy


How has your week been? 

We are knee deep in decluttering and the first phase of packing up a house we've been living in for sixteen years. I try to squelch the little whispers in my head that get overwhelmed by the process. I just wake up, do my morning routine (mostly journalling and praying), get ready, eat breakfast, meditate and then tackle the to-do list. I have a moving notebook where I'm capturing ALL the tasks.

I'm getting it done box by blessed box.

Yesterday I finished packing up the dining room (yay!). That room was 'easy'. The rooms with closets where I can stuff them from top to bottom are the challenge, remember sixteen years of stuffing closets. I'm finding the more I let go the easier it is to let go of more stuff. We are paying the movers by weight so that is a contributing factor as well.

I go through closets and boxes and have my internal questions:

'does this bring me joy?'
'is this meaningful to me?'
'do I want to pay to have it moved?'

That last question is what ultimately makes the decision. We are on our seventh car load of donations and we have yet another carload of recycling and more donations lined up. 

By the end of the day, I am sore and tired. I manage to knit for an hour or two while watching TV and relax a bit at the end of the day. I have my to do list written out for weeks in advance as well as a daily to do list so I don't forget the regular tasks.

Both Frodo and Holly seem to be okay with the mess. Holly loves the nooks and crannies made by the boxes, she is enjoying herself. Frodo is just regular Frodo wanting someone to sit with him if he is cold. He is lovingly predictable. 



  1. While the "decluttering process" can be daunting (and really hard work) the end result just feels so good. Lighter, simpler, more purposeful! Have a good weekend!

  2. Wow! this seems to be happening so quickly. When are you moving?? Congratulations on all your decluttering (I am envious). Hope you can have a nice weekend with a little bit of relaxation thrown in.

  3. You are making real progress! It will be good to think of unpacking fewer and more treasured possessions in your new home. When we moved here 30+ years ago, John's company provided moving services and they even packed the trash in the wastebaskets!

  4. Looks like you are moving right along Karen. Here's to a productive weekend!

  5. I shutter to think of moving from our place after 33 years. You are so wise to declutter and pack at the same time. When is the move to take place? Have you already purchased another home?

  6. I totally understand what you are going through, because we have moved numerous times in our lives. It is a huge undertaking. I hope the entire process goes well for you. :-)

  7. When is your moving date? Have you sold your house? They are going so quickly these days, which is a plus for you! My daughter and son-in-law bought a house this past week. They will only be a half hour from us! You know what a happy camper that makes me! : ). I will be busy this summer downsizing my mom's home to ready her for a move into an independent living community. So much is happening for both of us!

  8. Moving is a huge undertaking. Hope it will all be well worth it. When we moved. our friends owned the Dairy Queen nearby and gave us an endless supply of boxes. Hundreds! Its funny my old country farm house in the city had many more signs, knick knacks, and decorations. This house I try to keep very sleek . No big displays of neatly framed same sized photos. No coffee table books. I'm happier with less STUFF, ,except yarn of course

  9. You are making great progress. Packing up to move is a big big task. It's nice that you have the time to declutter. I think it is way easier to get rid of stuff before moving then after. Take it easy though and don't pull any muscles in the process.

  10. Your three questions are perfect - I can think of a few things that might pass two, but three?! My Holly gets stressed when she sees boxes ... your Holly and Frodo seem to know they're going with :-)

  11. You're doing a great job.


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