

Good morning! How was your weekend?

First off my ankle is getting better every day. On Saturday our daughter and son in law visited for the afternoon and shared dinner with us. We had a lovely visit.

My husband and I continue forging ahead with the Big Declutter project and we are continuously loading the car with donations. I think we have three rooms left, maybe. If you haven't guessed yet, we are decluttering before we move. We are in the process of buying a house in Western PA in my sister's neighborhood. Needless to say that when you live in a house for sixteen years and never throw anything away, you end up having  A LOT of stuff. I might resolve to never save anything again, 'just in case'. 

I have a moving notebook where I write to myself all the things that need to be done. I love any excuse to have a new notebook. We are excited about our new retirement adventure!

How was your weekend?

P.S. I've been alerted by Feedburner that they will stop emailing blog subscriptions starting in July. So If you follow my blog via feedburner you could use Bloglovin or Feedly as a way to follow along if you wish, I use both. I'm not sure if Google will invent a new email subscription service? If they do, I'll let you know. As of now I will not use an alternative email service. 


  1. I'm glad your ankle is gradually feeling better, glad your daughter and SiL came to visit, and glad you will have a new house near your sister! There is nothing like a moving adventure to spark the Great Declutter. Congratulations and I hope it's a smooth process!

  2. A move to a new house, how exciting! And close to your sister-even better!! The housing market in our area is nuts. I am so ready for less house. We have a couple more years before that will happen. Glad your foot is on the mend. Have a great week.

  3. Moving is huge undertaking and also exciting. How quickly are you wanting to make hus happen? Will you look for a place in a rural setting again? Western PA has some beautiful areas. Glad to hear the ankle is improving.

  4. How wonderful that you are moving closer to your sister! I need to put a “move” on my calendar to motivate some serious decluttering - 34 years of living and keeping, ugh.

  5. I'm so glad your ankle is feeling better and so excited for you for the move! I hope you won't lose too many followers without a new email subscription service. Have a fantastic week!

  6. Oh closer to your sister~~~!!!!! Wonderful. I love your shawl. I looked it up and thought it looked difficult. Lots of pretty lace ! I have many notebooks and I love them. I label them with my label maker whichI also love. Moving from Illinois to wisconsin, took every minute of every day once we had an offer. The house was over a hundred years old and we were not sure the yuppies would want such an old farmhouse. Well, they' did. We had a lousy realtor and he was always telling us to wait, it may not go through, or wait, the bank may not assess for that amount....I know he was being careful, but he was so negative.
    The thrill of actually moving here was wonderful. Something about moving once in a while to a whole new home is very refreshing! But the process of driving all 4 cats up with me in one little car was kook

  7. Glad to hear your ankle is improving! And fun to hear you are moving close to your sister. If you have any decluttering tips, let me know. We've been in our house for 44 years and have lots of stuff, especially yarn.....

  8. Hi Karen,
    ...so glad your ankle is healing well...we just had one of those busy weekends...with lots of little things going on...nothing big or important though...
    ~Have a lovely day!

  9. OMGosh, I didn't know you were moving! What shenanigans you and your sister will be up to when you start living close to one another! I can't wait to read! ^__^

  10. Good luck with your move. I hope you enjoy living closer to your sister. So glad you got to see you daughter and son-in-law. It's great that your ankle is healing quickly. See you again soon.

  11. I am so excited for you to move into the "neighborhood"!! And I am so glad your ankle is better each day!

  12. I am so excited for you about your move! Being closer to your sister will be wonderful, I am so happy for you, Karen! We have exciting moving news as well; my daughter and son-in-law just bought a house in a town that is only 20 minutes away from us! I am over the moon happy! : )

  13. i am so glad that your ankle is feeling better. I am taking note of your decluttering as i can't imagine how much stuff I will have to get rid of should we ever move. Hopefully I can start the process sometime soon. How nice you had a visit with your daughter and son-in-law.

  14. Good luck with the new move. That is exciting news. I love being 50 miles from my sister and brother-in-law. How nice your daughter and SIL could visit. Take good care of that ankle.


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