There is Progress


Good morning! How was your week? Can you tell I'm in a major teal color-loving mood based on that lovely photo above? It's been going strong for over a year now. 

The weather has been kind of dreary and blah for a few days, so that makes being stuck inside boxing up belongings and decluttering that much easier. Dare I say we are done with decluttering? Maybe? I'm not sure, but the bulk of the madness is over. This week we dropped off the 8th and 9th carload of donations. I've been working on my studio room this week and am so close to be done. Rooms with closets take me four days on average. We started this process super early because I didn't want a mad dash near the moving date. My husband and I tend to work 3-5 hours a day sharing a pleasant lunch break. We are both exhausted by dinner time.

Because I'm 'working', my creative pursuits have taken a back seat. I'm showing up for my art journaling pages whenever I get a chance (below photo). But the daily sketching/watercolor challenge is on hiatus until after the move. My daily reading is suffering as well.

One of my goals is to NOT wish this process away. The old me would wish it away, the new me wants to live each day fully and joyfully. I find satisfaction knowing that each box packed is one box closer to being done. You know I love notebooks, so I wrote up 18 sections of this house and as each section is completed, cross it off and write the date of completion. There is slow documented progress.


  1. You two are so organized!! Love your teal things - gorgeous color. The weather is pretty lousy, huh? So humid (which I do not like). Cheers to the weekend ahead - enjoy!!

  2. I'm admiring your organized approach to moving! It's always a stressful procedure, but you are making it look almost easy and enjoyable.

  3. You sure are handling this in a very smart way! I love teal too. Keep up the good work and enjoy the weekend!

  4. Good good for you! Don't wish it away, don't look at it like its forever. (elton John)
    I love your brown and aquas. Love that combo so much! Knitting will wait.

  5. Wow, I love how intentional you are being and savoring the process of moving on with a new adventure in life. Have a good weekend.

  6. And now you know how to eat an elephant!!!

    Moving and downsizing isn't for the feint of heart, that's for sure!!!

  7. How wonderful to be wrapping up this part of the moving process. Your teal notebook and pen are lovely.

  8. Just catching up, exciting times moving. Love the Emily Dickinson poem and the way you have illustrated it in your journal, so very pretty.

  9. So glad you are getting so much done. I hope you have time to create this weekend.

  10. I love your attitude about this process .... and oh my, just think how wonderful it's going to be once you're settled into your decluttered space! (also, I love the teal, and that red top :-)

  11. Teal is one of my favoriites, too. Nice job decluttering; do you give lessons?

    1. ha ha ha! It's been 16 years since I decluttered so I am not a role model :)

  12. Wow, I really like your approach to your move. My mom has committed to moving into an independent living community and I will soon be beginning the process of helping her weed down what she no longer needs; I will have to keep your positive outlook in mind! : )

  13. I am catching up here. The teal notebooks and pen would certainly lift my spirits during a major packing up and moving project. I admire the idea of not wishing the process away. Every day is a gift.

  14. YAY 🎉 for self care.


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