A Great Day


Around here things are settling down a little more each day. Back in the day when the kids were little and I was young and for of energy, I could unpack a house in two weeks! We are mostly unpacked. Today, my husband and I will start hanging pictures and my studio is still a mess, but less of a mess when I mentioned how messy it was the last time. 

Yesterday during lunch on the back patio we saw a fox (or a large cat..but we think it was a fox). Also the deer come right up to the house - I don't think they know they have a resident nemesis yet. Frodo is onto the deer and barks at them diligently. So far NO bears seen and that is fine with me.

a needle gauge by cocoknits (not an affiliate link)

In the mornings I try to get as much done around here before the afternoon before my fatigue sets in. I continue to rest as much as possible and that seems to help. I see the new RA doctor on Monday afternoon.

We haven't explored the area yet but hope to do some local outings in the next week or so. I want to be done with the unpacking tasks. My husband managed to get both cars into the garage two nights ago so I know the end is near. 

Here's a list of what makes for a great day for me:

- meditating before getting lost in the busyness - a well curated to do list - a captivating novel - lunch on the back patio - knitting of course - cookies - cup of tea -  a tidy kitchen - a no cooking day - knitting project planning - family events - art journaling - phone calls from the kids - seeing a pile of broken down boxes that were unpacked in a few hours 

What would make a great day for you?


  1. I'm glad to hear that you're getting unpacked. Things look nice in your photos. My list of great day things would be pretty much the same as yours!

  2. Good to hear you are settling in and getting unpacked. It will happen in good time - it's good to rest and also maybe get out and explore a bit! A great day for me would be one with no conference calls (that's today - yay!!) and a best friend visiting (that will be tomorrow!!), time with family and time to myself.

  3. Your great day list sounds lovely, although I do love to cook and putter in the kitchen so that would be on my list too.

  4. It's always such a great feeling to start feeling settled in a new place. So good you are seeing the positive things accomplished each day. Have a good weekend. I love the new fireplace!

  5. So glad you are getting all settled in. Best of luck with the new doc on Monday. Enjoy the weekend. :)

  6. Hi Karen,
    ...it sounds like you are settling in nicely...and exploring the area will be a lot of fun...I love your needle gauge...so cute...I have a very old metal Susan Bates one...haha...when I can find it...
    ~Have a lovely day!

  7. You are great to focus on the good. My best part is two part. We padd1eboarded on the 1ake at 0830 Very ear1y for me. 0830 and we were on the c1ear, coo1 72 degree water. After we turned to head back, a very dark coud growing 1arger and 1arger was gaining on us. We padd1ed faster than ever before and beat the storm back. I can have ice cream for that epic workouT!

  8. So glad that you are seeing unpacking progress. I have only moved twice. Once when I let my childhood home when I got married and moved into an apartment with all new furniture, etc and again 2 years later into the house we have now lived in for 34 years. I know I will probably be moving again sometime in the near future and I dread it. Frodo must be enjoying the new wildlife to chase away.

  9. Getting two cars in the garage is great progress. A great day would be one with a walk, uninterrupted writing time, a little spinning, some knitting, some good coffee or tea, talking to my kids and (I'm with you) no cooking. I'm happy to eat leftovers or take out.

  10. So glad the unpacking is going well and that you are looking after yourself and resting. Hope all goes well with the new RA doctor and that you get on. Have a relaxing weekend.

  11. definitely sounds like a great day! anytime you can see progress....here, on the other hand, I'm losing the battle of control over the weeds in the backyard!! We were gone a week...and they literally have taken over! 90+ degree weather and I and weeds simply don't get along!!!

  12. A bit of work, but not too much. A clean house, time to sit with Little Buddy and chat, time to knit and watch a show or the Olympics, playing with my fur boys, seeing my kids. Glad you are getting settled.

  13. I hope you are feeling very much at home, despite not being all unpacked! I am very excited to see where your walks take you! (and I love that needle gauge!!)

  14. Chillaxin either through knitting on the couch or sewing.


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