The Move


Hello! I'm moved. 

The past week was a blur and quite stressful, I had a mini meltdown on Monday night over needing more boxes. The movers arrived Tuesday and Wednesday to load up our house then early Thursday morning they came back to pick up our bed and we all headed to western PA to immediately start unloading their trucks. The movers were so nice, friendly and kind. The original plan was to unload on Friday but my husband and I were successful in getting rid of enough 'stuff' that the estimated time was moved forward half a day.

(all of the photos are in reverse order, thanks Blogger!)

My sister, brother in law and my husband removed old wallpaper in the kitchen and will be painting the cabinets white. Unfortunately any kind of help I do is quite limited because of my RA. I can only take Tylenol for pain relief and so far I'm living off of it with whatever I do, I also need frequent breaks. 

I unpacked the kitchen mostly, the hallway closet and the master bedroom. I'm at a standstill for any other rooms until they are painted. One bedroom needs a wallpaper mural stripped and carpet ripped out. 

We are so very lucky to have my sister who has been providing dinners until today (yay! no cooking!) and my brother in law who has been spray painting the kitchen cabinets which look fantastic. I cannot imagine updating this house without them.

The family room (photo below) will be painted after the kitchen is finished.

The movers worked during an extreme oppressive heat wave so I made origami envelopes for their tip because I packed my envelopes. It was a fun creative diversion from the chaos. I have not knit a stitch in the entire week. I am pretty sure I will not knit for at least a day or two more. 

Frodo has adjusted well enough to the move. He is having trouble with the new stairs (three steps only from the family room to the kitchen and he stumbles). I'm not sure at 11 years old if he has minor vision problems or arthritis problems. He can chase Holly JUST FINE, which is contradictory to my maybe it's just a new house thing.

Holly went on a minor hunger strike and barely ate anything for a day and ate the bare minimum for a few days but she is doing much much better. She does not like people, so every day when my sister and brother in law arrive she hides until they leave. She is doing much better than I expected. Actually the two of them are doing just fine. 

Thanks for visiting and the well wishes. I miss visiting all of you. Once I am settled in, I'll be back to reading blogs.


  1. Moving is a huge stress and a lot of work! God bless you and keep you 💙

  2. So glad your move is over and you can concentrate on getting settled in. It's so nice to have the help of family. Will look forward to pictures of the new place once your are all straightened around. It looks like it is a place with lots of potential that will suit you well. So glad you had good movers. Have a good week!

  3. It is nice to see all your boxes moved from the old house to your new one, and it's even nicer to see that you've got such wonderful help. Take care and I hope you settle in as quickly as possible.

  4. Wow - what a whirlwind. I hope you can find some time to rest and relax. And how wonderful to have your sister and brother-in-law for extra help. Take care.

  5. Congratulations on getting out there! And having great movers (what a blessing!!). I love your Oragami envelopes you made - very clever. And I love the picture of Holly on her hind legs looking out the window. Glad both she and Frodo are adjusting. Looks like you have a lot to do, but you are fortunate to have such good helpers!!

  6. That was super fast ! Moving and unpacking is so stressful, so remember it will all get finished in due time and be sure to take time to rest.

  7. RA is not for sissies. The stress alone would cause mine to flare. I am glad to hear your move went fairly smoothly. Also very glad to hear your sister and husband are so willing to help with the renovations needed. Thank you for letting us know you have arrived safely. Give your fur babies some extra loving and take care of yourself too.

  8. That's really hard to move and do the updates all at the same time! Glad you're in though and everyone is adjusting!

  9. Congratulations on getting out of the old space and into the new one!

  10. Congratulations! You made it. The worst is over & you can take your time with the rest. Take it easy; I know it’s hard. Cheers 🥂

  11. how lovely to see a post from you ... and I am sending all my very best wishes for ALL the things since I cannot imagine living in an episode of an HGTV show for reals ... looks like you're doing great though!

  12. You are getting there! some of my cats hide too when there are any strangers. If the people are very soft spoken, however, Fezzik wi11 come out to say hi

  13. So glad that the move went well and your beautiful cats are adjusting slowly! :)

    Hope your week is going well :)

    Away From The Blue

  14. Welcome! :) I hope you are all settled soon! (and if I can do anything to help, please please let me know!)

  15. Welcome to your new home! I'm so happy for you. You will feel settled in before you know it. xo

  16. Fun photo of the kitty looking out the window! Congrats on the move; know it's a big sigh of relief and Welcome to your "new home."

  17. Hi Karen, glad the move went well for you and I'm looking forward to seeing all of the reno...happy that the pets are settling in and that you'll get back to your knitting soon...that's always a comfort...our 16 year old Jack also seems to have trouble seeing...unless there's a cat maybe it's selective...haha...
    ~Have a lovely day!

  18. Hooray for being moved into your new house. Now that you are in, you can take your time getting settled. I'm glad you have help and that the pets are adjusting. Take good care as you settle into your new home.

  19. Good luck with all the unpacking, organizing and painting. Glad you are there safely.

  20. That's great you moved into your new home. Hope you are settling in nicely. Too bad Holly wasn't eating but good she is now. I used to have a family cat like that too that always hid from people coming into our home! She was the sweetest and we still miss her. Take care


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